Hillcrest High School 2024-2025 SCHOOL-WIDE DISCLOSURE DOCUMENT
Welcome to Hillcrest High School! We look forward to working with our school community to prepare students to be college and career ready by ensuring our students receive a quality and equitable education.
Main Office: 801-826-6000
Attendance: 801-826-6010
Attendance (Spanish): 801-826-6079
7350 S. 900 East Midvale, Ut. 84047
Counseling: 801-826-6020
School website: hhs.canyonsdistrict.org
Principal: Brenda McCann
- Assistant Principals: Ari Tavo (A-D)
- Katie Campbell (E-Log)
- Andrew Yawn (Lon-Re)
- Areli Nevarez (Ri-Z)
Communication & Newsletter
- Parents may communicate with teachers via email and/or ParentSquare. All school personnel emails are available on the school website or through Skyward.
- The Husky Strong weekly newsletter is posted on the Hillcrest High School web page every Wednesday. The newsletter will include important dates, events, and school information.
- Download both Skyward and Parent Square APP
- Parent information is communicated via ParentSquare. This platform allows for parents to message teachers, coaches and school personnel instantly and vice versa. Messages are accessible to all parents and guardians in their target language.
The primary goal of grading is to provide high quality feedback to parent/guardians and students; enablingthem to clearly understand a student’s progress, appropriately support the learning process and encourage student success. Student’s grades will demonstrate what a student knows, and performs within the current quarter. In order to earn credit student’s must pass their class with a D- or higher. Teachers will be given the flexibility to evaluate students with a grade that reflects their engagement, regular attendance, and grit. This includes students with IEPs and/or 504s, English Language Learners, and refugees.
Academic Integrity
Students are expected to complete all course work and assessments with academic integrity. The use of Artificial Intelligence is prohibited.
Academic integrity focuses on honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. Students should complete all coursework in a manner that embodies these values and promotes hard work and honest effort. A violation of the HHS academic integrity policy is considered academic misconduct. Departments will be responsible to publish their own academic misconduct procedures.
Grades will be weighted at a minimum: 80% formal assessments 20% daily instruction and practice work. Teachers will give a minimum of four formal assessments per quarter, three of which can be retaken following the teacher retake policy. (see test retake policy). All students will receive equitable treatment.
Percentage Grade GPA
100-92.50 A 4.00
92.49-89.50 A- 3.66
89.49-86.50 B+ 3.33
86.49-82.50 B 3.00
82.49-79.50 B- 2.66
79.49-76.50 C+ 2.33
76.49-72.50 C 2.00
72.49-69.50 C- 1.66
69.49-66.50 D+ 1.33
66.49-62.50 D 1.00
62.49-55.00 D- 0.67
Below 55% F 0.00
Departments will be responsible to publish their own retake exam criteria. HHS minimum retake criteria includes no missing daily practice work, and first test must be taken. Daily practice work will only be accepted when turned in during the current unit. Remember 80% of your grades are based on formal assessments. Turning daily practice work in late or incomplete will not produce effective grades. (refer to individual department disclosures for deadlines).
Checking Grades and Assignments
Grades will updated weekly
All parents may request a login and password at the Attendance Office to access Skyward account.
Download Skyward APPTo check student’s grades, login to Skyward at: https://skyward.canyonsdistrict.org
To check student’s progress in CANVAS, login to http://canyons.instructure.com/login/dap
Academic Preparation Period (APP)
- APP is a school-wide intervention that is offered to all students at Hillcrest High School.
- APP is built into student’s schedules both on A and B day (9:09am- 9:44am).
APP is a class period - Regular attendance is required to receive a passing grade and credit each quarter.
- No APP on Fridays
APP grading scale:
- 90%-100% = A
- 80%-89%= P (pass)
- 79%-0%= F (fail)
Students are encouraged to request additional and participation help from their respective teacher during APP. They must request a Hall Pass to visit a teacher that is not their APP teacher.
1. Download myHomework app
2. Log-in using HHS student CSD docs account
3. Request APP pass
4. Teacher will accept or deny request
Chromebook Responsibilities
Students are responsible for taking care of their Chromebooks and chargers. Chromebooks that are lost or damaged throughout the year will be assessed a fine up to $225. Chargers will be assessed a fine up to $25 (if applicable).
- Cellphones must be put away during class time unless instructed by teacher.
- Cellphones may be used before and after school, during passing times, and at lunch.
- Students that violate cellphone policy are subject to school discipline
FIRST time cellphone is seen by teacher or staff, student will be reminded of cellphone policy and asked to put the phone away.
SECOND time the cellphone is seen, student will be asked to place cellphone in a school provided bag. The bag must remain visible on their desk.
THIRD time the cellphone is seen, a referral will be sent to the office. Administration will meet with student and contact parent.
Headphone, air pod, and earbud policy
Students must put away all headphones, air pods, and earbuds during class unless approved by teacher. Students that do not comply with teacher or staff request to put item away will be asked to place item in a school provided bag. Repeat violation will result in school discipline.