Hillcrest High School, Midvale, Utah
Welcome Back Huskies! We are excited to start a new school year with you!
*In this Husky Strong, you will find information about: Principal’s Message, Parent Teacher Conferences, Dawg Wednesdays, Attendance Postcards, PTSA Information, Week of Events, Community Events, Key Dates, School Flyers*
Keep up with all that is happening at Hillcrest High School. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram (@hillcrest.huskies) and our SBO Instagram (@hillcrestsbo)
Principal’s Message:
H Town, hope all is well!
We feel positive vibes here at HHS and thank each patron and student for their trust and participation. Our goal this year is 95% attendance. We need all students to come to school and be in class each day. There are many positive benefits from attending class regularly including avoiding credit recovery and a feeling of belonging to Hillcrest.
We hope for a united student body who are focused on safety, respect, and responsibility. This year we have asked teachers to choose one of their classes to participate in a small service project around the school. Students who choose to participate will make HHS a cleaner and better place. Students will also enjoy the rewards that come with giving back. Go Huskies!
-Principal Leavitt
Parent Teacher Conferences:
It is that time of year for parent-teacher conferences! Parent-teacher conferences will be held one day in person and one day virtually using Zoom.
In-Person Parent Conferences will be held on 9/26 from 3:30-7:30 pm
Virtual Parent Conferences on Zoom on 9/27 3:30-7 pm.
Similar to last year, families will be placed into a virtual “waiting room” when joining their Zoom conference on 9/27. More instructions coming soon.
We will have interpreters available in the HHS Commons for the following languages for In Person Conferences on 9/26: Spanish, Portuguese, and Arabic.
Free Flu Vaccines for all HHS families will be available during both days of the conferences in the HHS Commons.
Upcoming Key Dates
IMPORTANT DATES | Schedule and Events |
September 13, 2022 | School Picture Make-up Day |
September 24, 2022 | Homecoming Dance |
September 26 & 27, 2022 | Parent Teacher Conferences and Flu Clinic |
Dawg Wednesday
Free Hotdogs for perfect attendance! Students with perfect attendance during each week will receive a FREE hotdog during lunch on Dawg Wednesday. To see if you qualify, log into skyward or ask an HHS staff member to check your attendance, then show your attendance to a staff member, get a ticket from an administrator, and pick up your hotdog outside the HHS Cafeteria.
Students who have an older Chromebook (HP G3, G4, or G5) should bring their Chromebook and charger to the library to exchange them for a new Chromebook. The newer models will run faster and have fewer complications.
Attendance Postcards
Students who are struggling with attendance will receive daily attendance postcards from their teachers. Postcards are a friendly reminder for students and parents that they are missed in class. Parents can verify students’ attendance via skyward or call the attendance office at 801-826-6010.
Picture Make-up Day
Picture Make-Up Day is scheduled for September 13th in the Auditorium from 7 am-2:30 pm. If you did not attend picture day, please attend! All students need an ID card to access school lunch, dances, and other school activities.
PTSA Information
FIRST GENERAL PTSA MEETING: Wednesday, September 7th, 1:00 pm- 2:00 pm in the
Hillcrest Administration Conference Room.
ALL parents/grandparents/guardians are welcome to attend!! (Feel free to bring
your small children. We love kids!) We will be discussing and approving
this year’s budget. We need YOUR VOICE to vote on the budget. Click HERE to join PTSA
Open Positions include:
*Spirit Night Coordinator
*Student Club Co-Chair
*Blanket Sales Chair
*Battle of the Bands Coordinator
Husky Swag is available! Husky Blankets are $75 for a super plush blanket. Show your Husky Pride! Also for sale- are sports water bottles for $10 and decals for $3 Click HERE to buy your swag.

Reflections Art Contest! The theme is “SHOW YOUR VOICE.” Start working on your entries in the following categories: 2D Visual Art, 3D Art, Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Photography, and Music Composition. (There is even a category for special needs artists). The deadline will be in October, so start your entries today! Check out www.utahpta.org/ref for more information.
Husky Heroes
Husky Hero awards are given each month to two students in each grade who: Make a significant effort to help others, promote school unity, or overcome obstacles and improve themselves in some way.
Do you know a Husky who should be a recognized Hero? Anyone can submit a nomination– faculty, staff, parents, or other students. Nominations should be submitted by the 23rd of each month. Paper nomination forms are available in the main office.
Online submissions are at: https://forms.gle/uCwUp2A3za9WRfvg7
PTSA Student Service Club
Is your student looking for a way to belong and make a difference? Join PTSA Student Service Club! They meet about once a month to do service for our school community. First Meeting is Wed Sept 14th, 2:30-3:30 pm in the Conference Room. Students will be making posters for a FOOD DRIVE that will happen in Oct. Join the Club today!! Service Hours count for IB CAS, LIA, NHS, etc! Click HERE to join
Volunteers Needed
Vision Screening Volunteers Needed Sept 14 and 15th. The school nurse needs help during vision screenings to help students get checked in. Need 2 people per shift each day.Shifts are 8am-10am, 10am – 12noon, and 12 noon -1:30pm. Sign up HERE if you can help!
Questions? Please contact us at hhs.huskies.ptsa@gmail.com
PTSA Board 2022-23: Pres- Rebecca Martin, Sec- Becca Staker, Treasurer- Chelsea Worth, VP Membership- Kayo Robinson, VP Advocacy- Stacey Kratz
Hillcrest 1 Week Calendar of Events:
September 7 |
September 8 |
September 9 |
September 10 |
September 12 |
September 13 |
Weekly Calendar Community Events:
Each week we will feature community events in Midvale or surrounding areas. Please note, that these events are not sponsored by Hillcrest High School. This week: Tyler Library Teen Event, Midvale City E-Waste Event, Copperview Rec Center Youth Indoor Soccer & Pickleball, and Refugee Soccer. Please click HERE for more info.