Due Date: Thursday, April 21, 2022
Email Essay & GPA to: hhshuskiesptsa@gmail.com
Questions? Email: hhshuskiesptsa@gmail.com

Hillcrest High School PTSA Student Scholarship 2022
Hillcrest PTSA is pleased to offer two $300 scholarships this year to graduating Seniors who have demonstrated quality service to their school and community as well as shown academic achievement.
- Must be a member of HHS PTSA – dues are $7 You can join here: https://hillcresthuskies.memberhub.com/store
- Essay – no more than 1000 words which answers these questions:
- What are your plans for college/career training and your future?
- How did your service in high school impact your school and community?
- Name
- Mailing Address (include city and zip code)
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Copy of 2021-2022 1st or 2nd quarter GPA (access report card on Skyward under “Student Login/ReportCards/Test Results”)