7350 South 900 E, Midvale, UT 84047

March 13, 2024 – Minutes

SCC Meeting Minutes – 13 March 2024

Attending: Jessica Dalton, Elena Foley, RJ Graham (vice chair), Debbie Johnson, Greg Leavitt, Rebecca Martin, Eric Murdock, Steve Brown, John Olsen, Jenny Olsen, Stacey Timmerman (chair)

  1. Review and vote of February minutes
    • Motion: Debbie Johnson
    • Second: Steve Brown
    • All in favor
  1. Resolution to recognize Mont Millerberg: Stacey Kratz drafted a letter to the state school board on behalf of the SCC. This item was tabled. The SCC will review the resolution in April when Stacey Kratz is in attendance. Rebecca Martin and Stacey Kratz attended his viewing and presented a Hillcrest Blanket to his wife.

It was suggested that eligible SCC members apply for the vacant spot on the school board.

  1. TSSP and Land Trust  (Greg Leavitt)
    • Thank you for reviewing the proposals. In May, we’ll see the final data. Unique that we have a full picture of where students are and high hopes that teachers will continue to use this information to meet students where they are and challenge them appropriately.
    • Trust Lands – The funding went up and we are able to fund four teachers. The hope is to keep math classes to 28 students and ELA class sizes to 36 students to help pull up the D and F students and increase the graduation rate.
    • TSSP – discussion: General consensus that the plan is in good shape. Steve Brown feels strongly that supporting small class size is the best use of our resources.
    • Motion to approve TSSP: Jessica Dalton
    • Second: RJ Graham
    • Plan passes as written unanimously.

Land CTrust Plan – Minor changes by Jenny suggested – spelling out abbreviations.

    • No discussion
    • Motion to approve Land Trust Plan with presented changes: RJ Graham
    • Second: Debbie Johnson
    • Plan passes unanimously.
  1. New principal announcement: Brenda McCann from Union (principal) and former assistant principal from Union. Ms. McCann has deep roots in the community. She grew up here, attended Hillcrest and is a former teacher at the school. She will be invited to the SCC meeting in April and May, with May as the preference so she can see the school data. 

New Assistant principal as well, from the district. She is Spanish speaking and her expertise, along with a native Spanish speaking counselor, we will see a complete vertical integration of the student experience. Greg brings up that the faculty is highly focused and motivated to improve student academics and the student experience. They have worked diligently to elevate not only academics but the “extras” that create a sense of community. Life at Hillcrest is balanced and getting better. The community is engaged and supportive. 

  1. PTSA update: Executive Board has been elected 
    • President: Chelsea Worth
    • Secretary Jennifer McDonough
    • Treasurer – Becca Staker
    • VPs – Kayo Robinson, Derek Honks, Rebecca Martin

7a. Updated roster will be available in April to determine next year’s board. There are high hopes for a more diverse board. Thanks to Stacey Timmerman for promoting the SCC at Husky Fair

Suggestion: Branch out and attend SCC meetings at feeder schools (Union, Midvale) Jessica Dalton is an SCC member at Midvale and volunteered to attend Union’s meeting as well.

7b: Parent Teacher conferences went well.  Virtual and In person seem to work, but in person still feels more effective. We expect the district will standardize the experience, but do not have a timeline  for that.

7c. School Climate – The community focus on diversity continues to serve Hillcrest students, even after they graduate. It’s exciting to watch students embrace the things they learn here and venture out into the world as well-rounded individuals.

Next meeting: April 10

Motion to adjourn: RJ Graham

Second: Debbie Johnson