Hillcrest High School Parent-Teacher Conferences
Tuesday, 2/27 In Person 3:30-7:30
Wednesday, 2/28, VIRTUAL 3:30 to 7:00 PM
- Click the link for each teacher. You will be placed in a virtual waiting room. There may be a wait time until the teacher lets you in. If a password is required, that is also available on the document.
- If you do not have a Google account and cannot open the document, please use your student’s csddocs account to open it.
Teacher Name | Department | Room # | Zoom Meeting Link | Passcode (if necessary) |
Main Office Attendance Office Counseling Office | 801-826-6000 801-826-6010 801-826-6020 | Please call these numbers to speak with the Administration, Counselors, Attendance, Social Workers, CTE Coordinator, Media Center, School Psychologist, or Detective Gonzalez. -Social Worker -Social Worker | ||
Adams, Christiane | Wld Lang German | S210 | German/CSA | |
Anderson, Carrie | Math | A309 | ||
Anderson, Paul | Soc. Studies | A434 | ||
Anderson, Sarah | Science | S105 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/6729250846?pwd=OURURkJoclYzZm1oaVM0TWdhUS9TUT09 | |
Arakelian, Ani | Lang. Arts | A222 | ||
Atwood, Blaine | Visual Arts | B124 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/85811443412?pwd=WHNkNVVWVW5wQ0pDaXoyaEpXZFdJZz09 | |
Bamgartner, Kendra | Visual Arts | A410 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/4463217434?omn=88121557739 | |
Bennett, Kari | Visual Arts | A412 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/86504302144?pwd=SEFITHVtTkp4VFEvMG1WNnlydEUwZz09 | ZUYW8z |
Black, JoDee | FACS | A175, | I am a part-time teacher so I will only be available for the parent-teacher conference on 2/27. If you have concerns and are unable to attend parent-teacher conference that day, you can always reach me through email or ParentSquare. | |
Boehm, Calvin | Social Studies | A436 | 031123 | |
Bove, Hayden | Science | A312 | ||
Boyce, Taylor | Math | A314 | ||
Bradshaw, Erika | Math | A313 | ||
Brooks, Taylor | Social Studies | A409 | ||
Carlton-Johnson, Stephanie | Soc. Studies | A411 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/83557490262?pwd=UU5iRHdrWnkrd3hMaUxVWHdZdkVhdz09 | 689998 |
Castleton, Clief | Career & Tech | B121 | I will not be available due to our robotics tournament this week. (Come check it out at the Maverik Center Friday and Saturday! It’s free.) | |
Cho,Minhee | Science | A210 | ||
Connolly, Julie | SPED | A216 | ||
Creighton, Chun | ELD | S208 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/85234097240?pwd=NFROVkxnaTFzbGZ3bnpXMWxXTmNOUT09 | 476243 |
Cress, Christine | Spec. Ed | A338 | ||
Dalgleish, RaNae | Perf. Arts | B120 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/81958469440?pwd=OGU0Zzgwb3NCZ2FpT0E4SU9uSHNWdz09 | 273548 |
Daniels, Gary | Healthy/Dr.Ed. | S109 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/4092381406?pwd=MHE2N0c5dGsyN2NmbWpkUEpwbkovdz09 | hillcrest |
Dinsdale, Kayla | Facs | A166 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/*******595?pwd=Q0p4OHhxM1dHQnRqTzF0RG84U0xrUT09 | |
Divine, Chelsea | Healthy Life. | G112 | ||
Drake, Elizabeth | Math | A340 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/82127422018 I will be coaching the boy’s volleyball team until 5:00. I will be available for conferences shortly after those end. | |
Dunn, Kristy | Visual Arts | A407 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/86932592130?pwd=Rk1sRlBjcHpzbHFqWHZwNHZyRU9RUT09 | art |
Feng, Lian | Chinese | A438 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/88463330244?pwd=bzByWU15UW93STZkK05JSjlJalFjUT09 | msfeng |
Freeman, Allen | Career & Tech | S206 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/2057032934?pwd=NE50SHczNHFFUXl4TFNMYVdISHd4UT09 | |
Gee, Brianna | English | A209 | 493651 | |
Gillette, Derek | CTE | S201 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/83419922759?pwd=UHIwRGt3MnMrU1VJUG9jTlFtcnVOUT09 | HHS |
Greer, Shannon | Science | A310 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/82109808767?pwd=UXFyOEdJYjZaaUk1eTkvV3Z0RlFLdz09 | 260151 |
Gremmert, Giselle | Perform. Arts | B103 | Mrs. Gremmert is an A-day only teacher and is unavailable on Zoom 2/28. Please attend in person on 2/27 or email with any questions/concerns! | |
Grundvig, Madison | Math | A336 | 219635 | |
Hales, Alaina | Career & Tech | B123 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/7253725650?omn=86510576965 | |
Harris, R. J. | Math | A335 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/87834826188?pwd=TzZNMWxXRnRtbDhobXNaYlpkMnkrdz09 | HarrisMath |
Hart, Matthew | Career & Tech | S106 | ||
Herlin, Ken | Math | A329 | ||
Hill, Cassie | Reading | A422 | read | |
Hilla, Austin | Perform. Arts | B122 | HHSBand (if applicable) | |
Houskeeper,Deborah | Science | A307 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/83197107770?pwd=a2JFUG5zck5jT0s3eVJ2K2d3cVJkZz09 | Science |
Hulet, Jordan | Wld. Lang | A320 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/82960376784?pwd=aEwvMW5aNDFLek0yeUFQZGhVTzIvdz09 | French |
Hulet, Mitch | Science | A212 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/85762955969 I will be running a club competition with another school until ~5:30. I will be available for virtual appointments from 5:30 to 7:00 PM. | Chemistry |
Hurst, Shannon | Healthy Life. | S110 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/6319493906?pwd=RllXL1RCcCt2TVR0SFRaSkl3d3hCQT09 | health |
Ivins, Tony | Science | A338 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/86139785839?pwd=ck9MblhDd1IxTTkvQXM2S1I1ajh6UT09 I am a part-time teacher, so I will only be available for the parent-teacher conference on 2/28. Please e-mail me otherwise. | 058027 |
James, Robert | Wld. Lang | A440 | ||
Jeppson Hoffman, Jessika | Visual Arts | A405 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/85422927107 Student Teacher: Nicholas Gardner If your student is in Drawing 1, Art 1020, and Painting 1, you will be meeting with Mr. Gardner. | |
Jessop, Tiffany | Credit Recovery | A173 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/83723165582?pwd=K2hOUFNRcTYyaktNeU5nbVZwdlpUZz09 | Jessop |
Kaelin, Robert | Healthy Lifestyles | G103 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/83833105955?pwd=YW1CaUVlWDQvUGdVOVo3bzU0QURKZz09 | kaelin |
Kasparian, Audra | Teacher Spec. / ELD | A322 | ||
Keefer, Heidi | Special Ed. | A231 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/82968034070?pwd=KzBzRXJlQ2E4NnAvSGFBUWlJZUFUdz09 | Keefer#11 |
Kilgore, Jared | Career/ Tech | B133 | I’m on vacation this week and will not be available these days. I’m sending out an email and note with your students to schedule a time to meet. | |
Klekas, Kristina | Math | A331 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/82099442151?pwd=eEpkaHlaU2RwVEZYMWJjWXNGNkY0UT09 | mathrocks |
Kunz, Emily | ELA | A236 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/83577008331?pwd=MS9qUm9NY1pibDBXamVUN2k2TkM4UT09 | 251745 |
LeBaron, Mike | Wld. Lang | A416 | ||
Leininger, Matt | Science | S105 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/89698627394?pwd=NkxtZ1dBMXB1TDRWVlV4VmJ1cStvdz09 | |
Long, Joshua | Perform. Arts | B116 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/9715303286 Mr. Long will be in final dress rehearsals for James II. Email joshua.long@canyonsdistrict.org to schedule an appointment if you are not able to get one here. | |
Lott, Julie | Special Ed. | A334 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/85057459572?pwd=Q0QvM3ljNE9nVkdOSTRodk9HQ0VsUT09 | 025005 |
Lujan, Chelsea | Perform. Arts (Dance) | B119 | ||
Martinez, Alexandra | ELA | A218 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/85393937061?pwd=Wm1SL1BxQi9CZ25Kd1ZYcTBYaWlnQT09 | 234666 |
Maxfield, Angela | SPED | A214 | ||
McCloud, Lisa | FACS | A170/ 174 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/89325972067?pwd=N1dvdDFqaEFqTHNLUHk4QmZPU08vZz09 | Culinary |
McKay, Lyndee | Lang. Arts | A215 | ||
McMullin, Joseph | Math | A316 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/9626146067?pwd=VkVOSFdZajlxUFVVWFlDeFdvK2Nqdz09 | 218387 |
Meikel, Antonio | Healthy Lifestyles | G207 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/87565413336?pwd=a2ZxMmhScHpWSVNCN21ZYnNIUHFGUT09 | 170940 |
Melini, Madeline | ELA/Hum 1100 Myth | A211 | ||
Mettler, Alex | Science | A207 | ||
Mitchell, Scott | School Psy. | A148 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/88217253350?pwd=ZXpmQjdiUW9VUzlSKzc2MU1tMndsQT09 | |
Miner (Bowen), Kelly Young, Kenzee (Student Teacher) | Wld. Lang | A318 | https://us05web.zoom.us/j/9873830242?pwd=hPsaq6RkY1eQpTpFFFrw3YLgXLEPm4.1 | r9fWv0 |
Moosman, Karla | Lang. Arts | A220 | ||
Morf, Lisa | Business | C202B | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/86199622488?pwd=ZFFXMXFTaVlPaDc0NXBjbWptRjMwQT09 | b0bd02db-6 |
Mueller, Serena | SLP | A158 | ||
Myaer, Jeff | Business | S208 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/9972033132?pwd=YnFqWXpZZmpSY2N4d0NzVFpvSEhQQT09 | 2FK0wd |
Oliphant, Tyler | Math | A333 | ||
Olsen, Jenny | Librarian | C202 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/87969606063?pwd=UjdBYTFoUkQ5Qm9LZFJZYk5BU2w4UT09 | 599221 |
Olsen, John | IB Coordinator | C201 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/83326659653?pwd=akdvbTJtMDQwR0d3V01tdUJRL1Q5UT09 | |
Pappas, Nick | Business | S209 | ||
Paystrup, Jeffrey | Soc. Studies | A420 | ||
Pechmann, George | Science | A205 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/8488962617?pwd=SHV5Sk1QdEdZS0UwNElYZU9YQ2lnZz09 | Pechmann |
Pia, Daniel | Wld. Lang | A418 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/2815810424?pwd=MktWUTlyNFdhOWNjRzZXTFNFWTkzZz09 | SenorPia |
Ralph, Cassidy | Math | A315 | ||
Reber, Jace | Wld. Lang | A414 | Reber | |
Remy, Rebecca | Special Ed. | A162 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/86742105954?pwd=UVA4MGlwOXI5QjA0a1BzRFZHSmM5dz09 | 713739 |
Richins, Sam | Soc. Studies | A429 | ||
Richardson, Dave | Social Studies | |||
Roberts, Courtney | Soc. Studies | A431 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/8646919411?omn=87807427605 | |
Rogers, Shane | ELA | A238 | ||
Romney, Jennifer | Lang. Arts | A229 | ||
Roth, Laura | Health/ Math | G112/ S109 | ||
Salter, Jeff | Science | A305 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/82718825598?pwd=VnErQjZDU0xYdnVxeXN5WWhoK0VpZz09 | |
Schermerhorn, Nadine | SPED | A334 | ||
Slaughter, Amanda | English | A213 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/81399624589?pwd=alR2UFZ2aWhCeGpmQ1BMWU1wQjlIdz09 | 923412 |
Sluga, Brandon | Math/ Healthy Lif. | A340/ G102/ S208 | ||
Smith, Camden | ELA | A240 | ||
Snyder, Matt | Math | A311 | ||
Parkinson, Chris | RUF | S108 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/84008202319?pwd=YWQwLzRDazZHb1dBbUJheG9hZkprdz09 | RUF |
Stucki, Scott | Soc. Studies | A433 | STUCKI Will be available at 4:30 after track practice | |
Symes, Shelley | Business | S210 | ||
Van Wagoner | Social Studies | A413 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/5597130798?pwd=SFhnN0hjL3pVWCswQVZjNmcydjFqZz09 | 032860 |
Veenstra, David | Social Studies | A415 | I am unavailable on Wednesday. Please email me with any questions or concerns and I will respond on Thursday. My email is david.veenstra@canyonsdistrict.org | |
Williams, Erica | Career & Tech | S101 | ||
Wilson, Brynn | FACS | A175 | Unavailable- Part-time teacher. I’ll be available for in-person parent-teacher conferences on the 27th. | |
Wohlwend, Hannah | Lang. Arts | A234 | ||
Woodland, Marin | FACS | A170/174 | ||
Wright, Cody | SPED | A338 | ||
Willis, Lisa | FACS | A170 | https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/85354831509?pwd=UnQ5MnE4QjFZR1JiNXQ5ZVFEL2hNdz09 | HHS |