Hillcrest High School – School Community Council Meeting
Wednesday, December 13 ,2023
ACR Conference Room (A129)
Agenda Items
1. November 8, 2023 SCC meeting minutes.
a. Vote
2. Equity Steering Committee Update
3. SCC Recruitment
a. Follow up on Action Items
· Principal Leavitt will speak to coaches to include SCC information to team meetings.
· Stacey Kratz will write a letter to include on website and in the Husky Strong newsletter
· SCC presence at Husky Fair – January 31
4. Update on Community Wellness Fair
a. Discussion
5. Hillcrest Free Market
a. Follow Up on Action Items
· Ari to draft a thank you note for SCC to sign to send out to donors.
5. Teacher Student Success Plan – TSSP
a. Discussion
6. Land Trust Plan
a. Presentation
b. Discussion
7. PTSA Update/Coordination
8. Other
a. Any other topics?
b. Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 10, 2023