7350 S. 900 East, Midvale, UT 84047

November 11, 2020 – Agenda

Hillcrest High School 

School Community Council Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 5:00pm
Field House Gallery

Agenda Items:

  1. Roster
  2. Make sure the roster information is accurate
  3. Digital Citizenship
  4. Any follow-up or questions from discussion during previous meeting?
  5. Anything the Principal needs from the SCC for his official report?
  6. Living Leader
  7. Principal explains to SCC who the school’s Living Leader is and what they do.
  8. School Data
  9. Review progress of implementation of current year’s Land Trust Plan and TSSP.
  10. Current plans are posted here: https://hhs.canyonsdistrict.org/school-community-council/
  11. COVID-19 Updates
  12. How are the prevention measures working out? Any unforeseen issues?
  13. Any COVID-19 cases at Hillcrest? What is the likelihood of a school closure?
  14. Long term plans?
  15. How can the SCC help?
  16. Construction Updates
  17. How is the construction going? Still on schedule to open next year?
  18. Other Items
  19. Any other topics?