Hillcrest High School, Midvale Utah, April 28th, 2022
***In this Husky Strong Newsletter, you will find Principals Message:2022 Senior Survey, AP Exams, Choral Department Congrats, WBL Career Corner, PTSA Information, Current Events
Principals Message: 2022 Senior Survey (All Seniors Must Complete)
We need you to complete the following survey before you pick up your caps and gowns.
Go to https://csdsurveys.canyonsdistrict.org/ and complete this very short survey.
Your cap and gowns will be here on Monday April 25th during both lunches for pickup.
AP Exams:
You MUST go to cb.org/apexamterms to review the 2022 AP Exam Terms and Conditions before your scheduled AP exam. You will be required to accept these terms and conditions on your AP answer sheet prior to taking each exam. AP Art and Design students can review their AP Exam Terms and Conditions at cb.org/apartdesignterms and will be required to accept them before submitting their artwork.
Choral Department Congrats:

WBL Career Corner:
Hillcrest JOB BOARD
There are many businesses calling the school asking for students interested in work. If you want a summer job or you are a senior looking for work, please visit the Hillcrest Job Board at
The South Valley Chamber offers a scholarship yearly to one qualified student. Jr Women in Business is a program in which if chosen our Hillcrest representative will attend Women in Business meetings/luncheons monthly throughout the school year. A job shadow is required and the student is also given a mentor.
Please visit this site if interested in applying deadline has been extended to May 13th.
Go to Southvalleychamber.com/women-in-business to apply today!
PTSA Information:
Food Drive Gratitude
Thank you to everyone who made donations to the Food Drive for our Community Hub! Our PTSA Student Service Club collected enough food from APP classes to fill the pantry! The following APP classes won a free breakfast for donating the most food: Ms Carlton-Johnson, Mr LeBaron, and Ms Barkley
Thank you to the following businesses for donating the breakfast:
Kneaders, Sonic, Chick- Fil A
Teacher Appreciation is NEXT WEEK!
PTSA is providing breakfast on Tuesday, May 5th and lunch on Thursday, May 7th
For the 120 Faculty and Staff Members of Hillcrest High School. Please sign up to help bring food items!!
PTSA Meeting Wed, May 4th, 1:00 pm
Our final meeting of the school year is next Wednesday, May 4th at 1:00 pm in the Conference Room. Please come if you have helped in any way with PTSA this year so we can say THANK YOU!!! Thank you for helping us support our students and teachers.
Grad Night

- Buy Tickets at https://hillcresthuskies.memberhub.com/store
- Download required WAIVERS at https://hhs.canyonsdistrict.org/ptsa/
- Sign both waivers and email them to hhsptsagradnight@gmail.com
Parental support is key to the success of this party. We rely on parents and businesses to donate PRIZES, MONEY, FOOD, SNACKS and TIME for the party. We need parents to help that evening to staff the various activity stations in shifts. Please go to https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0848ACAC2DA3FD0-hhsptsa to view and sign-up for the volunteer opportunities. If you have questions please contact the volunteer coordinator Amy Wareham at 240-593-5840 or Ellen Sperry 801-641-0901 hhsptsagradnight@gmail.com
Have questions or comments? Email hhs.huskies.ptsa@gmail.com
PTSA Executive Board
Rebecca Martin, Becca Staker, Geraldine Madariaga, Stacey Kratz, Kayo Robinson