7350 S. 900 East, Midvale, UT 84047

October 14, 2020 – Minutes

October 14, 2020

In Attendance:

  1. Brant Thomsen
  2. Jan Hansen
  3. Suzanne Riches
  4. Nicole Huff
  5. Karen Conder
  6. Stacey Timmerman
  7. Karina Park
  8. Jason Dong
  9. Julie Cluff
  10. RJ Graham

Meeting Notes:

  • Brant Thomsen opened the meeting.
  • Leavitt is traveling with the football team, so he is not present.
  • Brant asked that all SCC members report on their attendance at SCC training. Two reported not being finished with the online training, but will contact Brant when they have completed the training. Brant asked members to record whether they have completed the training or not.
  • Hansen briefly discussed typical uses of Trust-land funds.
  • The School Safety Plan is now included in items that should be reviewed by SCC.
    • Hansen oversees our evacuation plan. We are directing students and teachers to leave the building as quickly as possible. Students have assigned positions on the football field. This has been working well.
    • We now receive $7,000 for mental illness which is needed.
  • Julie Cluff said that Canvas is a great resource for parents. Parents can monitor what their children are doing online. Parents should look at this district resource.
  • Agenda Item: Digital Citizenship Presentation and discussion of website resources led by Suzanne Riches and Jan Hansen.
    • Suzanne Riches presented a PowerPoint focused on our digital access and resources.
    • A few highlights include:
      • HHS has over 2200 Chromebooks. Most are now checked out to individual students. We have been able to cover the school and we got the checkout task completed quickly and efficiently.
      • Chromebooks are filtered by the district. Content Keeper is loaded on each device and will run at all times.
      • Filters differ for elementary and secondary schools. High schools do not block Facebook or YouTube.
      • Lan School is used while students are on campus. Teachers have the ability to see computer screens. Lan School is not used off campus.
      • Google searching will always be in Safemode.
      • Digital Citizenship Activities for 2020-21 will most likely include: 2 digital citizenship events, bulletin boards or flyers. Students will have at least two digital citizenship lessons. Teachers receive monthly emails and one professional development lesson in some format. Digital citizenship district meetings have not yet been held—organization is ongoing with the added demands of online learning.
    • Hansen reviewed several features of the newly designed HHS website. All websites must be consistent with the district model. Dr. Hansen guided parents to resources that are helpful to parents.
    • Hansen also discussed the blended learning model
    • Teachers will now interact with students online on Fridays. Office hours will be held from 9-11 so that students may come to the school for help, or receive online help.
    • Stacy Timmerman reported that the Canvas formats are working well. It is easy for kids to see what needs to be done on any given day.
    • Hansen reported that the online Friday schedule is helping teachers get through increased workloads. Teachers are sometimes teaching in person, online and working with quarantined students who are out for a short time.
    • RJ Graham reported that his family is really enjoying the AB, AB schedule—less confusing.
    • Hansen asked about the recent Parent/Teacher conferences that were conducted online by Zoom this year. Parents liked the format and spent little time waiting in line. Parents also noted that the Zoom was better than a phone interview since it allowed for the sharing of visuals, such as gradebooks.
    • Hansen reported that we did have a lab set up for parents who wanted to attend the conferences in person. We had translators and computers available. A few families took advantage of this.
    • Hansen reported that this format was positive on our side. We did find that attendance was down 20% from a year ago.
  • Agenda Item: COVID-19 Updates
    • Hansen reported that HHS currently has only one active case.
    • Stacy Timmerman reported that kids are worried about being quarantined.
    • Hansen addressed the issue of schedule changes. We cannot completely redo our schedules at the quarter’s end. She explained the amount of work involved in building the schedule board. The school is offering to let students change courses or learning formats based on availability. However, it needs to keep the number of changes down as much as possible.
  • Agenda Item: Construction update.
    • Hansen reported that the new building is on schedule to be completed in the fall of 2021. Demolition of the old main building will happen in June of 2021.
    • SCC members reported being very impressed with the new PE complex and field house.
    • A question was asked about Husky Strong Summer Session. Will we be able to hold summer school next summer?
      • Hansen said that we don’t know how all of this will work out. We may need to move summer school to another building. No decisions have yet been made.
    • Brant asked that it be moved that the meeting be adjourned. This was seconded and received an affirmative vote.

Prepared by Suzanne Riches