7350 S. 900 East, Midvale, UT 84047

October 18, 2017 – Minutes

School Community Council—Hillcrest High School

October 18, 2017

In Attendance:

  1. Greg Leavitt
  2. Brant Thomsen
  3. Michelle Hawkins
  4. Misty Jolly
  5. Suzanne Riches
  6. Jeremy Wright
  7. Kim Weaver
  8. Jason Dong


  • Brant opened the meeting.
  • Greg shared the Hillcrest Vision and CSIP statement.
  • Vision: Relationships, Relevance and Rigor
  • CSIP: Goal: By the end of 2nd quarter of the 2017-2018 school year, HHS will decrease the number of students with one or more D or F grades in any one class to 35%. We will do this by increasing the use of informational text in all instruction and engaging students in school-wide note-taking strategies. Mr. Leavitt wants all members to go to the HHS website and read about the school CSIP goals.
    • Teachers will incorporate a variety of informational texts utilizing complexity and expected student outcomes.  Explicit vocabulary growing out of these texts will be taught, along with scaffolded literarcy strategies.
    • Note-taking strategies and skills will be taught. Student should be able to determine lesson objective.
    • PBIS is a part of the CSIP plan: What would Harvey do? This includes “Story” Cards, Husky grams, Taco Friday and all programs that reward good behavior and engagement.
      • 2400 Husky grams were sent out last year.
    • Review of Trust Land Funds 16-17—$211,000 to work with.
      • 9th graders were targeted. Money used for the following.
  1. Link Crew: this year there is a social activity on Tuesday for 9th graders, as well as an academic follow-up  session  each month for 20 minutes. These are conducted by Link Crew students.
  2. Buy Math FTE.
    1. Math classes in 9th grade are no larger than 25 students.
    2. Adult mentors are being assigned as well.
  1. This is not part of Trust Land Funds, but we are spending $28,000 per year on Huskie Hut, Story Cards, Husky Huddle, Taco Friday, etc.
  2. Math pass rates are up.
  • Other Successes
    • Misty: Husky Strong Arm is working.
      • Halls are clearer during classes than ever before.
      • Teachers have voted to continue this program through Christmas.
      • We are at 90% attendance. Last year at this time it was lower (upper 80%).
      • School environment is improving.
    • 60% of all students are currently passing classes.
    • Student support time—teachers are now in their rooms during this time from 7-8AM. 10% of students are utilizing this time.
  • Leavitt Discussion: Student Support time changes for next year. BLT is currently looking at this. We would have some kind of structured academic time in the middle of the day. This would not be social time. Students who are performing well would probably be given time to work. Other students would be given support and monitoring.
    • Shorten classes to 83 minutes (possibly).
    • School may also start at a different time.
    • We do not currently have specifics. Teachers are looking at this.
    • What are concerns from SCC?
      • RJ reported that his daughter’s study skills class has a requirement that his student attend Student Support time. This has helped her.
      • Brant noted that this may not affect excellent students. His son wouldn’t really need a program like this. However, his son may be able to use the time to do homework.
      • Jason: The time can’t be too short or it won’t benefit anyone.
      • Michelle noted that these times should not be used for character development—just academic focus.
      • Teachers go to Herriman High School on the 30th of Oct. to gather ideas and data.
    • Leavitt: Parent Meetings
      • These will be held every month. So far, we have had two.
      • About 25 attended. We are hoping for more each month.
      • Successful program.
    • Initial renderings for the HHS rebuild were looked at. All of this depends on the bond passing in November.
    • Leavitt: Assignment for members:
      • Look at the School Trust Lands Plan from 2016-17. Do we want to modify and improve this plan or give direction for a different plan based on the school data presented?
      • Review the HHS CSIP goals.
    • Misty called for the meeting to be adjourned. Meeting was adjourned.