7350 S. 900 East, Midvale, UT 84047

March 9, 2022 – Minutes

Hillcrest High School – School Community Council Meeting MINUTES

Wednesday, March 9, 2022, 5:00pm
ACR Conference Room (A129)

Optional Zoom Link:

In attendance: Greg Leavitt, Nicole Huff, Jan Hansen, John Olsen, Brant Thomsen, Karina Park, Rebecca Martin (in person), Steve Brown (on Zoom)

Agenda Items:

Discussion and vote to approve February 2022 meeting minutes

Motion to approve by Rebecca Martin, 2nd by Jan Hansen

APP Attendance and General Attendance (Continued from Previous Meeting)

Discussion about Hillcrest attendance

Still an issue- less to do with Covid and more to do with kids out of the habit of coming to school. About 75% Jrs showed up to take the ACT this week.

Rebecca Martin reported that she spoke to Utah Senate Pres Stuart Adams about the legislation during Covid that did not allow schools to count attendance. That bill sunsets in June 2022, and the legislature did not renew it, so schools can go back to counting attendance for school year 2022-23.

School Safety Plan / Discussion (Continued from Previous Meeting)

Discuss school safety concerns regarding employees and students.

Canyons is moving to a “Run, Fight, Hide” plan to encourage kids to not sit and wait if there is an intruder. With the newer open buildings, it is better to run away to find someplace safe, then fight if you have to.

Discussed smoke alarm going off during Hope Week assembly. New HVAC is very sensitive and can cause the alarms to go off. It is possible for students to “pull a fire alarm” but the admin can use cameras to find students who did it quickly and punish them.

Earthquake drill on Great Shakeout Day April 21st.

TSSP and LAND Trust Plans

Review proposals for the 2022-2023 plan. Jan Hansen motion to approve TSSP plans as written, Nicole Huff seconded. All voted in favor to approve plans.

Steve Brown motion to approve the LAND Trust plans as written, John Olsen seconded. All votes to approve.

Any not in attendance will have to come into the office to sign the paperwork. Greg will email SCC members not in attendance to get their signatures by Fri March 18, 2022.

COVID-19 Updates

            This will be out last virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences. Will go back to in person. (spring PT conferences were below 10% attendance. They historically have lower attendance than Fall conferences)

School attendance is low- about 75%, but it’s not Covid related. Students seem to be out of the habit of coming to class. Hoping it will improve next year with more accountability.

Construction Updates

Fields should be done in September. HVAC having issues. Making progress.

Other Items

Next meeting scheduled for April 13, 2022- need agenda items. Let Brant know if you have something to add to the agenda.

Greg- we can review new District Dress Code Policy (its simplified)

Want to create an SCC Sub-Committee on equity and how equity among the various demographics at HHS can be accomplished.

Any other topics to discuss:

Rebecca Martin read a letter from a student that nominated Greg Leavitt for a Husky Hero Award. Including, “he is the only principal to ever come into my resource room. I wish he was my Dad. He is handsome.”  Rebecca awarded a Husky Hero certificate and prize bag to Mr. Leavitt to general applause and thanked him for being a wonderful caring principal.

John Olsen motioned to adjourn the meeting, Karina Park seconded.