7350 S. 900 East, Midvale, UT 84047

March 8, 2023 – Minutes

Hillcrest High School–School Community Council Meeting Notes

Wednesday, March 8, 2023, 5:00 pm

ACR Conference Room (A129)


Ari Tavo

Atiya Nash

Brant Thomsen

Debbie Johnson

Elena Foley

Gregory Leavitt

Jenny Olsen

R.J. Graham

Rebecca Martin

Stacey Kratz

Stacey Timmerman

Steve Brown

Not attending:

Jessica Dalton

John Olsen


Laura Smith

Mont Millerberg (CSD Board Member)

Approve minutes

Steve Brown motion to approve; Stacey Timmerman seconded; approved unanimously with no abstentions.

Equity Steering Committee

Comments on this topic by Elena Foley:

We noticed the CAYCI questions are all very similar to the questions we came up with for the steering committee’s work, so this year we will use the CAYCI survey results and disaggregate them as much as we can (by question, groups, etc.).

We will plan to hold some focus groups (students and parents, possibly staff) to have similar discussions guided by our approved questions during the school year. We are planning to possibly hold the focus groups in September/October and January/February.

We will keep moving this group towards some specific action items to be presented to the SCC about this time next year. We plan to meet in September, November, and January and be ready to report in February to the SCC

PTSA Update/Coordination

Comments on this topic by Rebecca Martin, PTSA president:

There is a spirit night at Zupa’s on Wednesday, March 27; tell them you’re there for Hillcrest

We are looking for parents to serve on the grad night committee, for multiple roles. Grad night is the day of graduation, which is at 9:30 a.m. on May 25. Grad night runs that night from 10 p.m.-5 a.m. the next morning.

We just fed the teachers for parent-teacher conference and helped with a free lunch from Cupbop yesterday.

Southeast Parking Lot Pedestrian Concerns

Greg Leavitt: No updates yet, but if we don’t hear before that, I will contact them before our April or May meeting.

School Climate and Culture/TSSP

Steve Brown: I think we’re on a good curve and that things are improving. Even in the few years I’ve been here, there just seem to be improvements. I think we’re progressing.

Comments by Principal Leavitt:

There has to come a time when we can’t blame it on COVID anymore. Our attendance policies have split the kids: the kids who have supportive homes and aren’t failing have responded. The students that have those issues are still standing in line, but at least we’re able to track them. Our attendance office is starting to send home “way-late” notices (multiple incidents in which students arrive later than five minutes late), and the parents are shocked to get them, so they’re coming in, and we’re able to have these discussions with them. That’s something we can build on.

Our attendance at the end of second quarter was 69%. It definitely has to do with equity and poverty. It has to do with parent support and what the parents are able to give to support their students. We know almost all parents want to support their kids; it’s a question of what they’re able to do.

Our team of community support, counselors, Vice Principals, and others are making home visits across the board. We’re making progress with kids when we connect the dots and help parents know where to look up the correct information and see how their kids are doing. These parents just need support in the system as much as we can give it to them.

This is where money will make a difference. The fact of the matter is, in my experience of the last ten years, working in these kinds of schools, this is one-on-one work. This is work that is one person at a time. And that takes trained people to connect. We have aides working with 60-70 low-functioning kids who need a lot of support.

The Legislature is working on getting the juvenile justice system back in the equation. They’ve tasked every LEA to come up with a solution using juvenile justice system, schools, and parents.

RJ Graham asked about whether Title I high schools get extra funding, and Principal Leavitt explained that it is Canyons’ policy, and Jordan’s before it, to allocate all Title I monies to lower grades and that high schools do not get those funds.

Principal Leavitt added that it’s appropriate to thank all the parents who recognize the diverse opportunities Hillcrest offers. Kids who come to Hillcrest love Hillcrest because of the diversity and the opportunity to associate with such a vibrant school community where so much is going on. Already, Hillcrest has put out $100,000 in fees for fee-waivered students so far. Principal Leavitt was talking to another principal about that, and they’ve put out $16,000. The state absorbs that and we’re glad about it.

LAND Trust Plan

RJ Graham asked about our early warning metrics, like attendance, GPA, students with D’s and F’s. Principal Leavitt said that, when someone is absent, our dashboard automatically creates that data, or when they get an F, administrators see it.

Principal Leavitt thanked the SCC for their input this year, and said that these problems we’re wrestling with—academic achievement, behavioral improvement, and attendance—are difficult problems that will require complex solutions. Our plans focus on action and measurable results, but that doesn’t always show the full extent of the work and support behind what we’re all trying to do at Hillcrest.

RJ Graham made a motion to approve the LAND Trust and TSSP Plan as written, with Steve Brown seconding.  The LAND Trust plan passed unanimously with no abstentions.

Other items

Principal Leavitt said the school has hired Robby Kaelin, who previously worked at Skyline, as Hillcrest’s new football coach. He said the school is currently advertising for two lacrosse coaches and volleyball coaches (for both boys and girls). We also need 2-3 new chemistry teachers next year.

He also talked about several teachers retiring at the end of this year and said that the school is looking at having about 2,400 students next year, though projections do not expect numbers to keep climbing after that.

Assistant principals reminded SCC members of the school cultural night at 7 p.m. on March 21

Adjournment:  Stacey Kratz made a motion to adjourn; Stacey Timmerman seconded.

Next meeting:  The next SCC meeting will be held at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, April 12, 2023.