7350 S. 900 East, Midvale, UT 84047

March 21, 2018 – Minutes

School Community Council—Hillcrest High School

Prepared by Suzanne Riches

March 21, 2018

In Attendance:

  1. Greg Leavitt
  2. Brant Thomsen
  3. Shelia Armstrong
  4. Suzanne Riches
  5. Jeremy Wright
  6. Laura Bischoff
  7. Jason Dong
  8. Ranae Dalgleish
  9. Jan Hansen
  10. Rick Graham
  11. Misty Jolley
  12. Mont Millerberg

Meeting Notes:

  • Brant Opened the Meeting.
  • Welcome to Mont Millerberg of the school board.
  • Letter was mailed to Midvale City from the SCC asking for action on pedestrian issues and crosswalks on busy street entrances coming in to Hillcrest.
  • Millerberg praised the letter and expressed his appreciation to SCC for handling things in a professional manner. He said that he had talked to an officer from Midvale. They are looking what can be done, and had a parent meeting last week.
  • Trust Land Plan 2018-2019
  • Committee reviewed a summary of expenses.
  • Committee reviewed CSIP goals.
  • Leavitt asked for input, and discussed a few specifics about what will be done.
    • Continue to improve link crew.
    • Academic Prep Period needs to be put in place.
    • Smaller classes for math and English—math is currently at 27 and English at 30.5 for grades 9 and 10.
    • Data show growth; the actions we have taken are working.
    • We are also reducing the counselor ratio to 300 students to 1 counselor.
    • Most schools are running on a 350 student to 1 counselor ratio.
  • Jason asked if the Husky Strong summer program will be funded this year.
    • Leavitt responded that it will be funded, but not with land trust funds.
  • Leavitt explained that he doesn’t break all areas down into exact FTE, etc., since it leaves no room to adjust as needed. By staying general, we can be responsive to needs.
  • Sheila said that the $228,090 amount allocated may be increased if past experience holds true.
  • Brant read comments from two members who were not able to be present.
    • Michelle Hawkins said that we should keep funding two ELD aides and an ELL co-teacher. She does not want to use department funds.
    • Michelle likes the windows in the new school, and believes we should move forward with the plan. She also likes the additional door between adjacent classroom walls if that helps make classrooms bigger.
  • Leavitt said that land trust funds have allowed for the hiring of a new math teacher, a replacement of a science teacher and a half-time English teacher.
  • Question about if a system exists to call all students in to have a one-on-one with counselors twice per year.
    • Misty said they focus on grades 9 and 10. Counselors meet weekly to set up interventions for kids who are not succeeding.
    • Students may also request meetings with counselors as needed.
    • Misty explained that relationships are built in 9th grade that then carry throughout the student’s career.
    • Jan explained that students who are at risk are followed up with on a weekly basis.
    • Jolley said we set goals with the students, and follow up weekly.
    • Sheila suggested that the APP period may allow us to reach more students.
    • Leavitt said that everyone who is involved with this is making a great effort. Our numbers are up 10-12% from where we began two years ago. This is a year where we have met our goals.
  • Leavitt moved that we approve the goals as written and move forward with the planned funding.
    • The motion was seconded and the vote was unanimous.
  • Hillcrest construction update. We have completed a student public forum, a parent public forum and three faculty feedback sessions.
  • Leavitt discussed the student walkout (student response to school shootings).
    • 250 students walked out quietly for 17 minutes and returned.
    • A discussion followed in the auditorium.
    • Parents can look at the themes discussed on the HHS website.

SCC will meet in April to walk the school and see what should be saved for the new school.