7350 S. 900 East, Midvale, UT 84047

January 18, 2017 – Minutes

Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2017


Attendees: Greg Leavitt, Laura Bischoff, Ram Jayakumar, Sheila Armstrong, Kimberlee Lewis, Brant Thomsen, Jody Koch, Marie Otto, Jeremy Wright, Misty Jolley, Jan Hansen, Michelle Hawkins, RaNae Dalgeish, Suzanne Riches.

Greg Leavitt welcome everyone. Handed out School-wide data update.

Discuss C-SIP Goals:

  • Teacher & students taking notes.
  • Informational texts.
  • Verge cards. Esp. 9th grade going really well. Continue to grow program and motivate kids doing what they’re supposed to be doing in a positive way.

TrustLands money:

  • Link Crew. Activities going well. Faculty supportive. Keep link leaders involved.
  • Teachers for math & reading. Reading scores going good. Started with 25, down to 5 students. Math impact from math lab in math class, Q1 very effective in Math 1, but not as much in Math 2. Plan for next year, 10th graders= if they fail 3/4 quarters this year, they repeat Math 1 course and 2nd semester start math 2 to bring back on track. Propose keep FTE for Math next year.

Review data. Feedback from members:

Positive: Positive data above 50%, confidence and positive questions in 60% is great, focus on academic numbers more than feeling numbers, quality of teachers matter.

Concern: why do our teachers not see a support system to get kids ready for college when high rate of students want to go to college, teachers think they are providing good feedback, but the kids don’t feel like they are receiving the feedback. Low number of students have help at home, students don’t feel like school is preparing them well for adulthood, why do students not feel like they are treated equally. Discrepancy between what they learn in school and relevance of real life.

TrustLands for next year: open conversation for ideas

  • Expand link crew to sophomores. Make it part of the culture, commit to long-term.
  • Graduation rate improvement- what rate of dropouts are ELL or ESL?
  • Reading FTE, Math FTE. VP assistants.
  • Intramural after school program, that includes bus home, for kids who don’t usually qualify for after school sports programs due to academics.

Final thoughts from Greg Leavitt:

  1. Think about demographic that filled out the questions, this is not the outliers or low of the lowest. This is white, yellow group, students. We can make a difference for this students to like school better. Important for admin and teachers and know how students feel.
  2. Connection and relationships: we need to look at taking 20 min and starting an advisory. Teachers connect with 20-25 kids and their goal is you’re going to graduate. Keep same kids all 4 years. 50% of our teachers do not have a connection with 9th and 19th graders. Everything we spend money on would be enhance by an advisory program.

Motion to close, Michelle. 2nd by Brant.