7350 S. 900 East, Midvale, UT 84047

January 17, 2018 – Minutes

School Community Council—Hillcrest High School

January 17, 2018

In Attendance:

  1. Greg Leavitt
  2. Brant Thomsen
  3. Michelle Hawkins
  4. Shelia Armstrong
  5. Suzanne Riches
  6. Jeremy Wright
  7. Laura Bischoff
  8. Jason Dong
  9. Ram Jayakumas
  10. Jan Hansen
  11. RJ Graham
  12. Rick Conger
  13. Jake Thomas
  14. Rebecca Martin
  15. Mont Millerberg
  16. FFKR Architects: Greta Anderson, Russell Dilworth, Liz Morgan

Meeting Notes:

  • Leavitt opened the meeting and introduced the FFKR architects.
  • Leavitt explained that the architects would show drawings of the new building and ask for input.
  • Architects showed drawings, noting that these are very preliminary.
    • The building is designed for everything to be very transparent with extensive glass and windows throughout. This improves learning and security.
    • Basic planned property and building layouts were reviewed.
    • Athletic areas will be constructed first. A running track will be built above the basketball court.
    • The Stem building will remain and be repurposed.
    • The Football stadium and buildings will remain.
    • Parking entrances and approaches to the building were reviewed. Buses will drop off away from the parking. Entrances to Hillcrest will be increased.
    • Parking spaces should be close to present Hillcrest numbers.
    • The school will have a presentation or lecture room.
    • Many collaboration rooms and collaboration areas outside classrooms will be included.
    • A large auditorium and stage to accommodate Hillcrest’s excellent performing arts program is planned. A fly system will definitely be included. Seating should be close to Hillcrest’s current capacity.
    • Halls will be somewhat wider than at present and will have 10 foot ceilings.
    • The school will be larger in square footage than the current school.
    • Lockers will be 2-tier. There will be less lockers than at present. Less students are using them. PE areas will have adequate lockers for class and team needs.
      • Shelia asked about landscaping and requested that architects pay attention to safety factors that have been identified at schools experiencing shooting and other safety issues in the past. Architects assured the group that these things will be taken into account.
      • Suzanne expressed library square footage concerns. FFKR said that they would send the library designer to the Friday meetings with teachers so that the correct square footage can be determined and input from librarians received.
      • Some concern was expressed about the glass walls inside and outside the building. Would this be conducive to learning? Would this be a distraction for students? Architects stated that this design will improve learning, not distract from it.
    • Leavitt adjourned the meeting, so that meeting participants could ask individual questions of the architects. Other items on the SCC agenda for this evening were not discussed due to time limitation.