Agenda Items:
- TSSP and LAND Trust Plans
- Terminology reminders (for the benefit of the Chair and anyone else confused by the recent changes):
- BLT = Building Leadership Team
- TSSP = Teacher and Student Success Plan:Includes plan for spending TSSA (Teacher Student Success Act) funds;formerly CSIP (Comprehensive School Improvement Plan)
- LAND Trust Plan: Plan for spending LAND Trust funds
- Continuation of discussion from last meeting
- Discuss priorities, recommendations, and academic goals.
- What is going well, and what is not, from last year’s plans?
- The HHS 2019-2020 TSSA and Land Trust Plan can be found here:
- What, if anything, do we want to do differently from last year’s (2019-2020) plans?
- Terminology reminders (for the benefit of the Chair and anyone else confused by the recent changes):
- Draft of School Wide Disclosure
- Construction and Parking
- Parking lot and pick-up/drop-off issues or concerns
- Construction impacts and updates
- Construction and Parking
- SCC Roster
- Any updates to the SCC Roster?
- SCC Roster
- Other Items
- Next meeting scheduled for February 19, 2020
- Any other topics?
- Other Items