7350 S. 900 East, Midvale, UT 84047

February 21, 2018 – Minutes

School Community Council—Hillcrest High School

February 21, 2018

In Attendance:

  1. Greg Leavitt
  2. Brant Thomsen
  3. Michelle Hawkins
  4. Sheila Armstrong
  5. Suzanne Riches
  6. Jan Hansen
  7. RJ Graham
  8. Misty Jolley
  9. Kimberlee Weaver Lewis

Meeting Notes:

  • Leavitt opened the meeting. It was determined that a full quorum was present so votes can be taken, but he suggested that Brant email the group so that everyone has a chance to respond if they wish.
  • Brant reviewed HHS-SCC Bylaws. The following was determined.
    • SCC must have two more parents than employees.
    • Current numbers should reflect the current council membership of 8 parents and 6 teachers.
    • Greg suggested that bylaws should allow no more than 18 members in SCC. This would include up to 12 parents and 6 employees.
    • Brant made a motion that the council vote.
    • Greg seconded.
    • The vote was unanimous in the affirmative.
  • Brant asked what the rules of procedure should be.
    • The council agreed that we would follow Robert’s Rules of Order. This should be posted on the website under bylaws.
  • Greg suggested that the council should discuss pedestrian safety as the next item. He reviewed what the city of Midvale has been asked about. This includes lights, more obvious crosswalks, and signage.
    • So far, nothing has been done by Midvale.
    • All of this needs to go through UDOT.
    • Council members should contact city representatives.
    • Michelle suggested that the corner where the student was hit should have some lights. Visibility is very bad in the mornings during the winter. Florescent crosswalk lines would also help.
    • Greg said that the school will do one announcement per week to remind students to take care while crossing to get to school.
    • Greg reviewed the accident that occurred on the 7th East West exit and entrance. A student was 5 feet into the crosswalk when a car did not see him and hit him. He will be okay, but will require some recovery time.
    • Flags may also help on this corner.
    • Sheila asked if SCC is charged with walking safety plans
    • Jan responded that there have not been such plans in high schools here.
    • Greg mentioned that the new building will give us much better options for safety.
    • Greg suggested that someone on the council send a letter to Midvale City asking that something be done.
    • Kim volunteered to write the letter for the council.
    • Brant suggested that everyone on the council sign the letter.
    • Sheila made a motion that a letter be sent. The motion carried.
  • Hillcrest Construction Update. Greg said that in July the gym will be built, and the canal will be rerouted during the summer. The canal will be covered.
    • Council members looked at new renderings of the gym and academic areas.
    • The building is designed for everything to be very transparent with extensive glass and windows throughout. Greg discussed concerns being raised by teachers about the security of glass walls in hallways, in light of the recent Florida high school shootings.
      • He asked that parents respond as well. How do they feel about the safety issues?
      • Kim asked if wings can be locked off. Greg responded in the affirmative.
      • Michelle pointed out that the new school should not be designed and built around fear.
      • Discussion about security and schools.
        • RJ pointed out that the school will have a feeling of inclusion with the glass. The Florida shooter was an exiled member of the community which may have led to his actions.
          • A more open concept may actually guard against students feeling alone and exiled.
        • Members also discussed other security measures that can be added. Kim noted that hospitals could give us some ideas.
        • Greg noted that glass may not be positive or negative. It would aid in the search of a building should an incident occur.
        • Sheila pointed out that there is a bill in the legislature about provideing locks for classrooms.
      • Sheila was asked to discuss her visit at the capitol luncheon. She represented Hillcrest, and two other school members attended.
        • The Safe Utah App was discussed.
          • Do kids know about the app and what to watch for?
          • Some training or intervention may be needed to help with this.
          • RJ said his daughter does not have the app downloaded. But, we need to have kids reporting on things they notice.
          • Greg pointed out that kids talk differently when an adult is around. The app allows them to communicate in a more open way with peers.
          • Michelle said she thinks kids are using the app.
          • Greg reported that administration is notified of home abuse, suicide threats, bullying, etc. on a 24-hour per day basis.
        • Greg Leavitt discussed new positive school data around Early Warning Systems: GPA. Attendance and Office Referrals. Graphed data was distributed. The data shows clear improvement with regard to the number of students who are on-track to graduate.  EWS, D and F’s, and clear upward trends from Reading Inventory tests were noted in the data.
          • We are also seeing a closing of ethnicity gaps with regard to English, Math and Science. We are currently one of two high schools in the state to show these very positive trends. SAGE data was used to determine that gaps are narrowing, giving the numbers an added reliability factor.
          • This data shows that our CSIP goals, especially note-taking, informational text, and graphic organizers are working.
          • Rules are becoming infused as we are seeing attendance go up.
          • Past trust-land expenditures used to reduce math classroom size have also reduced English class sizes for 9th
  • Misty Jolley described the new plan for APP to be implemented next year. Planners will be given to students and grades will be tracked for each week. Students will be sent to teachers of subjects where needed. App periods will only have 22 students, so teachers will have time to work one-on-one with students.
    • Sheila expressed a concern with the loss of instructional time.
    • Greg responded that study halls with teachers will be held each day for students who are succeeding. National Honor Society students will help tutor students in study halls, and group learning will be encouraged.

For Next Meeting: Members need to have the Trust Land Plan for next year submitted by April 10th. Greg will have things prepared for the next meeting so that members can review and comment. Sheila suggested that members think about their own suggestions and bring them to the meeting as well. Brant suggested that we use email to share ideas. The suggestion was also made that we need data to assess how things are going with ELL. Greg answered that about 70% of the students our ELL resource teacher works with are passing. 

RJ suggested that we think about setting up a Facebook page for discussion. Members decided to see if this is necessary.

Meeting was adjourned by Brant.