7350 S. 900 East, Midvale, UT 84047

February 19, 2020 – Agenda

Hillcrest High School – School Community Council Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, February 19, 2020, 5:00pm
Hillcrest High School Administrative Conference Room (A103)

Agenda Items:

  1. TSSP and LAND Trust Plans
  2. Terminology reminders (for the benefit of the Chair and anyone else confused by the recent changes):BLT = Building Leadership TeamTSSP = Teacher and Student Success Plan:
    Includes plan for spending TSSA (Teacher Student Success Act) funds;
    formerly CSIP (Comprehensive School Improvement Plan)LAND Trust Plan: Plan for spending LAND Trust funds
  3. Continuation of discussion from last meeting
  4. Discuss priorities, recommendations, and academic goals.
  5. What is going well, and what is not, from last year’s plans?The HHS 2019-2020 TSSA and Land Trust Plan can be found here:
  6. What, if anything, do we want to do differently from last year’s (2019-2020) plans?
  7. Vote to approve current TSSA proposal (without funding).
  8. Draft of School Wide Disclosure
  9. Review current draft
  10. School District Survey
  11. Canyons Board of Education seeks your input on the desired characteristics of a superintendent. Responses will be accepted until Friday, Feb. 21 at noon.
  12. Town Hall Flyer: https://hillcrest.canyonsdistrict.org/docs/Community/Town_Hall_-_English.pdf
  13. Construction and Parking
  14. Parking lot and pick-up/drop-off issues or concerns
  15. Construction impacts and updates
  16. Mobile Phone Policy
  17. Update on the Vaultz Bag availability, and how well they are working.
  18. SCC Roster
  19. Any updates to the SCC Roster?
  20. Other Items
  21. Next meeting scheduled for March 18, 2020
  22. Any other topics?