7350 S. 900 East, Midvale, UT 84047

February 15, 2017 – Minutes

Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2017


Attendees: Greg Leavitt, Laura Bischoff, Ram Jayakumar, Sheila Armstrong, Brant Thomsen, Marie Otto, Misty Jolley, Jan Hansen, Michelle Hawkins, RaNae Dalgeish, Suzanne Riches, Jeremy C.

Jeremy welcome everyone.

Greg report progress on school advisory for next year:

  • Teachers reviewed data and are mostly positive about advisory. Some concerns are that students won’t buy in and it will be a management issue for teachers. All agree that students need connections to be successful. Greg motioned SCC to support Advisory, so long as teachers are on board next year, with a unanimous vote in favor.

Finalized trust lands funds for next year:

  • Funds used to hire new employees that will support students in hopes of decreasing the total number of students with failing or close to failing grades.
    • Reading Teacher to run reading lab & offer support in classes.
    • Math Teacher to run math lab & offer support in classes.
    • Part time ELL Teacher.
    • Part time Aides to offer support with reading, math, ELL, Assistant Principals and Counselors.
    • Part of remaining funds used to continue and enhance Link Crew.
    • Remaining funds used to start intra-mural, after school sports program with busing, for those students not usually able to participate in after school and sports programs.

Greg will put together a finalized break down by next week for SCC to sign.

Greg report on progress of C-SIP Goals:

  • Strengthening note-taking skill and strategies. Going well, and want to continue for next
  • PBIS Management Plan in the form of Verge cards and student recognition going well. Continue next year.
  • Language acquisition help through connecting informational texts to lesson being presented.

Jeremy closed the meeting.