7350 S. 900 East, Midvale, UT 84047

February 10, 2021 – Minutes

February 10, 2021

In Attendance:

  1. Brant Thomsen
  2. Greg Leavitt
  3. Stacey Kratz
  4. Jan Hansen
  5. Suzanne Riches
  6. Nicole Huff
  7. Karen Conder
  8. Stacy Timmerman
  9. Karina Park
  10. Jason Dong
  11. Julie Cluff

Meeting Notes:

  • Brant Thomsen opened the meeting, noting that we will discuss the TSSP and Land Trust Plans in March.
    • Mr. Leavitt said that a draft was already sent. He can send that out tomorrow to SCC, but the original plan has not changed much. We are trying to stay consistent to accomplish goals, and the trust plan is on the website. We will update percentages as needed.
    • Brant said that it would be good to have something in March that SCC can discuss.
    • Mr. Leavitt agreed since the plan is due April 13th, or close to that date. Everyone will need to sign before that time.
    • The SCC agreed to attempt to have a final plan at the March SCC meeting, where members can sign if they agree to it.
  • Agenda Item: COVID updates
    • Mr. Leavitt said we are moving to a “Test and Stay” policy. When numbers become too high, we will test all students in APP classes. If the test is negative, the student may continue coming to school. Any students with positive cases will need to remain home for ten days. We have been doing this for sports and other activities. We will need to order 2,000 tests to do this.
      • We ended up not needing to test this past month, since our numbers began dropping until they were below 1%. We were preparing with forms, etc., but by the day of the scheduled testing, we were below the rate to stay open.
      • Students and parents needed to complete and sign the testing permission form. We were able to get a large number of forms turned in. So, though we didn’t need to test, we are happy to have these forms in place. We will be able to use them if the need arises.
      • If we had done the tests, we would have needed to send about 400 students home who had not completed the form.
      • Karina said that people realize the school must do whatever is mandated.
    • Mr. Leavitt pointed out that we have only had to shut down one time. We are hoping to keep the school open because we know kids do better when they are in school.
    • We are very proud of the students. We have had very few mask violations. Students have been very cooperative..
    • Hansen reported that our second group of faculty and staff will be receiving the shot tomorrow after school. So things are moving along rapidly.
    • The question was asked about whether the policy for volunteers in the school has changed with regard to coming into the building.
      • Mr. Leavitt responded that we test about 200 students per day anyway. We probably could begin testing volunteers.
  • Agenda Item: Non-traditional Graduation Planning and Ceremonies
    • Mr. Leavitt said that we thought about creating a large doorway in the building to allow graduate cars to drive into the auditorium. However, this can’t be done because due to insurance issues, etc.
    • Mr. Leavitt said we would like to let students walk across the auditorium for the last time, since the school is being torn down this summer. Students would sign up for a time. Students would wait in the auditorium in groups of 10 to 20. Parents would wait in the auditorium and exit with their student.
      • The school would like to get feedback on the current plan.
    • Suzanne mentioned that some of her students talked about the desire to be with the rest of the senior class for the graduation ceremony.
      • Mr. Leavitt responded that we are thinking about putting students in the auditorium the night before graduation day, possibly holding a senior dinner dance for students. We would test students prior to participating.
    • Karen mentioned that one problem with the seniors not being able to be together is the inability to take pictures with friends.
      • Mr. Leavitt noted that we will still have a senior barbecue, and will continue to explore the dinner dance idea as COVID numbers are dropping.
    • Stacy asked what we are doing about caps and gowns this year.
      • Mr. Leavitt said we will just handle this as we have other year, since students are back in school. Caps and gowns will be picked up during school hours near the end of April or the beginning of May.
    • Karen asked how large the graduating class will be. Mr. Leavitt said we will have about 450 grads.
    • Julie made the point that seniors deserve these activities. They have missed out on everything this year.
  • Agenda Item: Construction Updates
    • Mr. Leavitt said that everything is on schedule. If SCC would like to meet at 4:00 on March 10 (next meeting), we can take a tour.
    • Brant said that we will meet in person at the Field House at 5:00 PM next time for the meeting (March 10). If you want to go on the tour, be there at 4:00 PM.
  • Agenda Item: Other Items
    • Mr. Leavitt noted that we have had questions on registration. There will be no hybrid option next year. Students must choose full time in the classroom or full time online. Students will not be able to do both.
    • Karen asked about Senior Awards night. Greg said that they are thinking of inviting some of the larger scholarship recipients to an awards night, but it will be smaller than past awards nights.
  • Brant made a motion to close the meeting. Suzanne seconded. The meeting was dismissed.