Meeting Minutes – Hillcrest SCC
Date & Time: January, 5:00 pm
Location: ACR Conference Room (A129)
Attendance: Melissa Hodgson, Jeremy Hodgson, Alexandra Martinez, Ariel Nevarez, Brenda McCann, Eric Murdock, Rebecca Martin, Lesli Morris, Jenny Olsen, Elena Reyes
December 11, 2024 Meeting Minutes
- Vote—Brenda motioned to approve the notes, and Rebecca seconded, Approved.
Agenda and Discussion
MAP Growth testing
- Testing is new this year.
- MAP replaces the Math & Reading Inventory
- MAP is a normative test. It assesses if they are on track with their peers across the nation. Every time they take it, they should grow. There is no benchmark.
- There are 5 proficiency levels, an actual bell curve. Average score is 50%.
- Students who score below & well below are recommended for intervention.
- Look at 2 years of reading data; then we look at placement. Students who are average (40-50% are still behind). Only 9th & 10th graders are taking. Every four years the company creates benchmark norms.
- Every student has an individualized growth goal.
- This will eventually be available on Skyward. Parents and teachers will know about where students are at and what their personalized growth goal is.
- Now aligned with standards, it offers a way to help students improve.
- This test can help our advanced students as well. RI did not help above-average students.
- This test is aligned to standards.
- Parent portal—possibility of printing parent reports and mailing them.
- Use these reports to create SpEd goals.
- We’d like to push to include 11th graders so it can show more growth.
- Discussion on reading levels and demographics.
Hillcrest Field Construction
- Going well. The turf is gone. It should be done for football in the fall. The track will be 8 lanes—2 more lanes added. Also, added an ADA space to move from east to west.
TSSP and LAND Trust Plans
Challenges and Goals for 2025-2026 School Year
Previous goals:
- 84-86% graduation increase through CFAs and retakes. Focus on Tier 1 and Tier 2 instruction. Goal to increase # of students scoring above 80%.
- How can we keep collecting CFA data?
- Currently, we have 150-200 students waiting to get in. IB lets 400-500 students to come in.
- Increase in funding next year.
- 2384 student enrollment now. The question now is who should be allowed on permits.
- APP—goal to build relationships and makeup work. The goal is to achieve 85% APP attendance and 90% regular class attendance.
PTSA Update/Coordination
- Trying to get the board set up for next year—we need to vote on it by March.
- Teacher grants are available. $150—up to 8.
- Grad night planning—May 29 @ 2 pm. Dimple Dell rec center.
Motion to Adjourn: Jenny motioned, and Alexandra seconded. Approved.
Next meeting: February 12, 2025