7350 S. 900 East, Midvale, UT 84047

April 18, 2018 – Minutes

School Community Council—Hillcrest High School

April 18, 2018

In Attendance:

  1. Greg Leavitt
  2. Brant Thomsen
  3. Shelia Armstrong
  4. Suzanne Riches
  5. Jeremy Wright
  6. Jason Dong
  7. Jan Hansen
  8. RJ Graham
  9. Rick Conger
  10. Jake Thomas
  11. Mont Millerberg
  12. Jim Brisco

Meeting Notes:

  • Brant opened the meeting.
  • Leavitt gave the new building construction update.
    • Teachers submitted a petition and are discussing the safety of the new building. Concern is over the amount of glass. The new building will have glass half-way up the walls facing the hall. Teachers are concerned about disruption in the hall as well as the safety of open windows in the hall in light of recent school shootings.
    • Leavitt noted that the SCC has not expressed concern over the windows, but SCC should be aware that a petition was signed by teachers to have the size of the hall windows reduced.
    • Suzanne said that she thinks if we want to have collaboration rooms in the hall, we really have to have a way to see out and monitor students. She also noted that she had taught for several days at Draper Park which has exactly this situation and did not notice any distraction among the students. She has told other teachers to go and observe in this building. Perhaps they would be pleasantly surprised.
    • Brant said that he went to Hillcrest as a student and remembered it as “cave-like.” It was dark and not inviting. Glass would open things up and be good for learning.
  • Leavitt called for a motion.
    • Motion: The SCC is grateful to Canyons School District for showing the building renderings to us early in the approval process. The SCC did not express any concern with the amount of glass in the building at that time. We are aware of the petition which has circulated among teachers regarding a desire to minimize the amount of glass between classrooms and halls in the new building. Teachers have expressed concern about interruption coming from the hall as well as security issues. We respect the orderly and thoughtful process teachers have pursued to bring their concerns forward, and we have carefully considered those concerns. However, the SCC is supporting the nine-year history of buildings constructed under Canyons School District bonds. This includes following best practices for supporting learning.
      • Shelia asked what best practices for learning would include.
      • Leavitt responded that we should be using “public practice” learning. This is defined as an open arena for teaching and learning. Parents and students should be able to see and know what is going on in our classrooms. The open concept envisioned for Hillcrest allows visible learning.
      • We know that public learning stimulates and energizes learning. When students and faculty are aware of what activity is occurring in various classrooms a synergistic learning environment is created.
      • Furthermore, there is data to support the idea that as stimuli increase (as in open vision to halls), students actually become more focused on the task at hand. Public learning may minimize interruptions in this regard.
      • Millerberg discussed the concept of “duty of care” which is important for every teacher. It involves the idea of concern for the well-being of students. Teachers and administration are responsible for the students in their care. If we wish to use the collaboration areas, we must be able to see and supervise collaborative spaces. Also, by opening up vision to our classrooms, teachers are aided in their ability to prove “duty of care.”
      • Shelia asked about how the collaboration spaces will be used.
        • Leavitt responded that these spaces also became a part of the “public learning” concept. Learning stimulates learning.
      • The motion was voted on and passed.
    • Brisco joined the group. He stated that student safety is the #1 topic of each building committee meeting.
      • Voices of the teacher petition have been heard and taken to the school board. These concerns have been discussed with the committee.
      • Millerberg stated that purposeful steps have been made to enhance the safety of the school. The windows have been modified at least ten times.
    • Members of SCC toured the building to look for items that should be saved for the new school. The following locations were visited.
      • Ceramic Husky-front hall
      • HH and bench in M hall
      • “Senior” bench
      • Class officer pictures
      • Senior Panoramic pictures
      • Art hughes gymnasium
      • Brick donations and Husky dog (G Hall)
      • Main gym floor H, Husky and Husky emblem
      • Gym windows