7350 S. 900 East, Midvale, UT 84047

April 15, 2020 – Minutes

School Community Council—Hillcrest High School

April 15, 2020: Members conducted this meeting online using WebEx.

In Attendance:

  1. Greg Leavitt
  2. Brant Thomsen
  3. Jan Hansen
  4. Suzanne Riches
  5. Karen Conder
  6. Nicole Huff
  7. Julie Cluff
  8. Stacey Timmerman
  9. Jeremy Wright
  10. Kate Timmerman, Student Body President

Meeting Notes:

  • Brant Thomsen opened the meeting.
  • TSSP and Land Trust Plans
    • Brant asked if we have all of the needed signatures.
      • Leavitt responded that all signatures were obtained quickly and the process is complete.
    • The final Land Trust Plan will be posted on the HHS website.
    • Brant asked if there are more questions or any more discussion needed on the plan.
      • Everyone agreed that no more discussion is needed.
    • Coronavirus / COVID-19: What will the impact be on the school and district?
      • Karen asked if the students would be going in to pick up their things. She noted that the Seminary building would be open for students to pick up their materials.
        • Greg said that email will be going out detailing what our plans are. He added that when we open up the building at some future date, the student will be informed and then they can pick up their things.
      • Book return will happen for seniors at the end of the year. We are working on how yearbooks will be delivered, etc.
      • For the other students, we have thought about possibly going through part of a day from this year’s schedule in the fall to allow students to return books and take care of loose ends. This is still under discussion. There is a long list of things to plan.
      • Brant asked what will happen with AP testing.
        • Nicole responded that AP is taking over all of the testing this year. It will be done remotely. The students can use notes. AP has set things up so that they can be sure that students are not cheating. The test will be two free-response questions and only 45 minutes long. There will be another window in June for students who miss the first test.
      • Stacie asked about the last day of school—will it be moved up?
        • Leavitt responded that May 15th will be the last day for new instruction and work.
        • This will give students time to turn things in and give teachers time to grade.
        • This may only apply to seniors. We don’t know yet. Juniors may be May 22nd.
      • Graduation
        • Brant asked about current plans for graduation as well as recognizing and honoring our seniors.
        • Stacie asked if there will be a virtual ceremony or a ceremony in the summer.
          • Kate Timmerman, student body president, said that SBO’s put out a survey asking what students preferred. The vast majority wanted a ceremony in the summer instead of a virtual graduation now.
        • Leavitt said that April 30th Josten’s will be here to hand out cap and gowns. He pointed out that the gowns need to be turned in at the end of May.
          • Kate stated that gowns can still be ordered if students contact Josten’s.
        • Leavitt said that high school principals will have a meeting to determine what graduation will be. It will probably be somewhat consistent. There will be something on May 28th. Dr. Briscoe wants everyone unified on this. We don’t know what will happen in the summer. We also want everyone to be given a chance to come. Doing graduation later may not be fair for all students.
        • Karen suggested a drive-in style graduation where at least people would be together, if only in their cars.
        • Karen also said that grad night party money is there. Do we want to do signs or banners on homes, maybe a door hanger?
        • Members asked questions about how the signs would be delivered. Mr. Leavitt said he knows of a company we could hire to do this. They have offered to do it for free.
        • Karen asked if next year we could invite the old and new seniors to the grad night party or Senior Dinner/Dance the night before.
          • Leavitt responded that if the CDC opens up large gatherings before Aug. 15th—all schools will probably want to have a party.
        • Kate wondered about getting class rings instead of a graduation. Mr. Leavitt said that anything is a possibility at this point.
      • Construction and Parking
        • Leavitt said construction is moving along quickly.
        • Karen said that the Alumni Association is taping the building take-down (gym and fieldhouse).
        • Leavitt stated that the new gym will be ours on April 22nd. The steel for the academic portion of the building will be coming soon.
        • Leavitt said that all parking tickets have been waived for seniors.
        • Karen asked what they will do with left-over lunch money. Could that help pay for someone else?
        • Leavitt said that all sports money collected will be refunded. All prom tickets will be refunded and checks mailed out.
  • Other
    • Stacie asked about the new district superintendent.
    • Leavitt said that he doesn’t know very much. He has heard good things.
    • Brant asked about whether we should have a meeting in in May.
      • Leavitt thought that we should—the second week in May would be good as we work on rolling out year-end plans.
      • Leavitt said that he thinks the feedback will be useful.
      • Brant called for a vote. All SCC members voted to hold the meeting.
      • May 13th will be the last meeting date.
    • A vote was called to adjourn the meeting. This received an affirmative vote.