7350 S. 900 East, Midvale, UT 84047

April 12, 2023 – Minutes

Hillcrest High School–School Community Council Meeting Notes

Wednesday, April 12, 2023, 5:00 pm

ACR Conference Room (A129)



Atiya Nash

Gregory Leavitt

R.J. Graham

Stacey Kratz

Ari Tavo

Elena Foley

John Olsen

Mont Millerberg (CSD Board Member)

Minutes: Greg Leavitt proposed approving the minutes for the March 8, 2023 meeting; Jenny Olsen seconded; the minutes were unanimously approved.


Equity Steering Committee

Greg Leavitt said we had about a 30% response on CAYCI from faculty and student body; we have that data and we’ll be putting it together for the first SCC meeting of the next school year and in our equity steering committee meeting, and we’ll bring some conclusions and suggestions back to the SCC.


Greg Leavitt:  We had an incident over the last few weeks based on an online trend, a whip app; it has a whipping sound and some students are going around “whipping” each other; some people are interpreting that as a racially-based incident and some people aren’t; we’re having ongoing discussions about it and interventions when we need to make them. This equity committee, and figuring this stuff out on an ongoing basis and working on it together in our school, are really important.


PTSA Update

Rebecca Martin, PTSA president:

We elected officers for next year at our meeting today.


We will be feeding teachers for Teacher Appreciation: we will do meals on May 9 and 11.


For the Spirit Bowl, the student body officers need our help on Friday, April 21 at 1 p.m., decorating each floor for the Spirit Bowl.


Greg Leavitt: We’re going to put out a couple of strong announcements encouraging parents to step up and take some leadership in PTSA and on this committee.


Southeast Parking Lot Safety Issues

Greg Leavitt:

Because the school has now officially moved almost 200 feet east, that disqualifies an east side bus route that affects about 22 kids. They’re asking me to inform you that they will continue that bus route for the rest of this year, but 22 kids who ride that bus from the east will now have to walk or find alternatives. So if you have some major concerns, you should contact the Board of Education


When this came up, we reminded the district that we put in a safety proposal for the kids who are already walking from the east; Leon Wilcox (district CFO) acknowledged that and said that, in the coming year, he would find the money to make that right and get a ramp and handicapped-accessible sidewalk and entrance put in a gate.


Currently, 77 students live in the impacted area, and two buses service this area, with 130 students assigned to ride. I think they funded this bus route for quite a while when they didn’t have to.


RJ Graham: It kind of doubles the danger because the kids coming from the east often have to cross both 1300 East and 700/900 East.


Greg Leavitt:

These are hard conversations, and these are tender issues; but at the end of the day, this is a shrinking bus route.


The SCC talked about possibly lobbying for change to state rules about how bus routes are funded and decided to work on that next year.


Another safety issue: Brant Thomsen said his son suggested doing banisters down the middle of the stairs at Hillcrest because it’s easy to slip on the stairs. Principal Leavitt suggested writing a letter to the board; Brant said his son is working on a letter.


LAND Trust Plan and School Climate and Culture/TSSP

Greg Leavitt confirmed that the plan is all signed and submitted to the state; Brant Thomsen thanked everyone for their work on the plans this year.


Additional Items

Rebecca Martin motioned to not have a May 2023 meeting; R.J. Graham seconded.  Motion was approved unanimously.


Brant Thomsen added that the one thing he would ask SCC members is that, if you’re willing to serve next year and have a student here next year, let us know. Keep the roster updated.


Facilities update


Greg Leavitt:

Our fields and our building are close to being fully complete. It’s taken Westland so much longer than we think it should have, but seeing all the activity outside has been great.


High school’s just such a happening place. Our drama department won state last year and we’re so proud of them.


Stacey Kratz asked about why the building between the baseball and softball fields wasn’t being used yet. Greg Leavitt clarified that that building’s bottom floor contains team bathrooms/small locker rooms, and they are ready to use, except the water just isn’t turned on yet. We’re not exactly sure why and it’s been frustrating.


Greg Leavitt also added thanks to the SCC for all your support of the school. SCC time is meaningful to me. This job has so many decisions and so many ins and outs and so much going on, but it’s so meaningful to me to have a group of community people who want to be here and make their school better. I appreciate you and the confidence you have in me; I feel that from you. I appreciate Mont Millerberg being here as often as he is. I just appreciate all your work and support.


Jenny Olsen made a motion to adjourn; Rebecca Martin seconded. Motion was approved unanimously.


Next meeting: 13 September 2023