7350 S. 900 East, Midvale, UT 84047

April 12, 2023 – Agenda

Hillcrest High School – School Community Council Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, April 12, 2023, 5:00 pm
ACR Conference Room (A129)


Agenda Items:

  1. Discussion and vote on approval of the March 8, 2023, meeting minutes.
  2. Equity Steering Committee
  3. What is the status of the committee? What next steps and action items should we take?
  4. PTSA Update / Coordination
  5. Southeast Parking Lot Pedestrian Concerns
  6. Any updates on the proposal?
  7. School Climate and Culture / TSSP
  8. Any updates or new concerns?
  9. LAND Trust Plan
  10. Status update
  11. Reminder: Current and previous LAND Trust plans are available at https://hhs.canyonsdistrict.org/school-community-council/
  12. Other Items
  13. Do we want to meet in May 2023?
  14. Any other topics?