7350 S. 900 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Attendance Policy

Hillcrest High School Attendance Policy

Attendance is a significant factor affecting student achievement in school. Opportunities for success during and beyond secondary school are also directly affected by a student’s attitude toward attendance in high school. The single greatest factor determining the likelihood of high school graduation is school attendance. In order to afford students, the opportunity to be academically successful and responsible citizens, Hillcrest High School expects students to be in class, prepared, and on time each day.


TARDINESS: Students are expected to be on time to class. Students up to 10 minutes late will be marked with a ‘T’. Students more than 10 minutes late will be marked with a ‘W’. Excessive tardiness will be addressed by teachers and administration.

UNEXCUSED ABSENCES (A): Absences are considered unexcused until they have been cleared by a legal parent/guardian.

VERIFIED TRUANT (A-VT): Students wandering the hallways and school campus during school hours without teacher or administrative permission will be marked verified truant.

APP UNEXCUSED ABSCENCES (Z): APP attendance that drops below 80% will receive a failing grade. Students wandering the halls during APP will not be tolerated. Parents will be notified via phone call, email, and/or post card of student absences.

EXCUSED EXTENDED ABSENCES: Excused absences of 4 to 10 consecutive days are considered “Education/Vacation Leave” and require an administrator’s approval. Excused Education/Vacation Leave Forms can be found in the attendance office. Student/Parent will need to notify all teachers and collect schoolwork accordingly.

TRUANCY: Students will be referred to their administrator when absences become excessive. Students absences will be classified as excessive when student’s attendance drops below 85% and/or the student has missed 5 or more days of school.

EXCUSED ABSENCES (E): Contact our Main Office to excuse absences: 801-826-6000, Spanish ext.6079

Absences can only be excused by a legal parent/guardian. An absence must be excused in order to make up missed school work. After five days of an unexcused absence, a student may not make up the missed work. All absences not excused within three weeks following the absence, must have administrator approval to be cleared. It is the student/parent responsibility to check on their attendance and verify that their absence has been excused online with Skyward.