August 14, 2024
Hillcrest High School, Midvale, Utah
*In this Husky Strong, you will find information about: Our New Principal, Registration, Essential Schedule Changes, 9th Grade Orientation, School Pictures, Back to School Night, and Community Events*
Keep up with all that is happening at Hillcrest High School. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram (@hillcrest.huskies) and our SBO Instagram (@hillcrestsbo)
Upcoming Events
Back to School Registration | August 5 – August 16 |
Back to School Night | August 14 (4 pm-8 pm) in the Cafeteria |
School Pictures (Auditorium) | August 14 (4 pm-8 pm) During Back to School Night August 16 for 9th graders (8 am-12 pm) Makeup Pictures on Sept 10 (7 am-1:30 pm) |
Essential Schedule Changes | August 15: ALL GRADES (1-3 pm) August 16: ALL GRADES (1-3 pm) |
9th Grade Orientation | August 16 (7:45 am-12 pm) |
First Day of School | August 19 (7:45 am) |
To view the school calendar, please click HERE.
Welcome our New Principal, Ms. McCann!
Welcome Back Students!
As we kick off a new school year, I wanted to extend a heartfelt welcome to each of you. As I step into the role of Principal at Hillcrest, I am filled with both excitement and gratitude. I want to take a moment to introduce myself and share my enthusiasm for Hillcrest High School.

To our students: Welcome back! I am eager to get to know each of you and to support you in achieving your goals. I am a Hillcrest alumnus, prior teacher, and assistant principal. I have enjoyed every moment I have worked at HHS and find great joy in seeing students succeed. This year promises to be filled with opportunities for growth, discovery, and success. Whether you’re continuing your high school experience or joining us for the first time, know that our dedicated team is here to help you thrive. Let’s embrace challenges as opportunities and support each other along the way. See you on the first day of school on August 19th @ 7:30 a.m.
To our parents: Your partnership is vital to the success of our students and our school community. I look forward to collaborating with you to ensure that we provide a supportive and stimulating environment for your students. Your involvement and feedback are essential as we work together to enhance Hillcrest High School.
My commitment is creating a supportive atmosphere where every student feels valued and supported.
Brenda McCann
Hillcrest High School Principal
We Are Hillcrest!
We had so much fun at the Green and White Football Game!
Dress Code
Students and Parents, as we begin the new school year, please be aware of the following dress code. Canyons District School Dress, Grooming, and Appearance Policy 500.02 states: “Students shall dress in a manner suitable to the day’s activities consistent with the standard of health, safety, and acceptable behavior. Clothing must cover the body as outlined in the figure below, with fabric that is not see-through and no viewable undergarments. Items which bear advertising, promotions, and likeness of tobacco, e-cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs or contrary to the educational mission, shop not be allowed.” Please see the picture:

Technology Expectations
Students will be issued a Chromebook and charger. They are responsible for taking care of their Chromebooks and chargers. Chromebooks that are lost or damaged throughout the year will be assessed a fine of up to $225. Chargers will be assessed a fine of up to $25 (if applicable).
Cellphones must be put away during class time unless instructed by the teacher. They may be used before and after school, during passing times, and at lunch. Students who violate this policy are subject to school discipline.
- FIRST-time: the cellphone is seen by the teacher or staff, the student will be reminded of the cellphone policy and be asked to put away the phone
- SECOND time: the cellphone is seen, the student will be asked to place the cell phone in a school-provided bag. The bag must remain visible on their desk
- THIRD time: the cellphone is seen, a referral will be sent to the office. HHS administration will meet with the student and contact the parent.
Back to School Registration
Back-to-school registration begins online on August 5th at 8 am. ALL STUDENTS MUST COMPLETE BACK-TO-SCHOOL REGISTRATION.
- Please log into your family skyward access to complete registration beginning August 5th: https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/skyward/
- Registration can be completed at home. Families who do not have a computer or need additional assistance may come in person to Hillcrest from August 5th to August 16th, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Interpreters for Spanish, Portuguese, and Arabic will be available.
Essential Schedule Changes
Hillcrest ESSENTIAL Schedule changes will only be seen by their assigned counselors:
Essential schedule changes are considered:
- A class that is needed for graduation and NOT on your schedule
- You took a class over the summer, passed it, and now need it removed from your new schedule
- IB classes that are required to fulfill an IB diploma
- You have a hole or “add class here” in your schedule as all students need a full schedule
- Essential does not mean you want a different elective or change your schedule for friends or lunch periods
- The following are Essential Change Days:
- August 14 (All Grades): 1-3 pm
- August 15 (All Grades): 1-3 pm
- August 16 (All Grades): 1-3 pm
Students can only change their schedule ONE TIME. Additionally, if a student cannot make the above dates, they may change their schedule from August 19 to 23. During that week, students can come to the counseling center only before school, after school, or during lunch to change their schedule for essential changes (please take a look at the above requirements for essential changes). If you have a hole in your schedule (missing a class period), please come during that period to pick a class. Again, a student may only change their schedule one time during this period. Counselors will not make multiple changes to schedules. The absolute last day to change a schedule is August 23.
School Pictures
School Pictures can be taken on the following dates:
- Aug 14th from 4 pm – 8 pm on the auditorium stage during Back to School Night
- Aug 15th from 8 am – 12 pm on the auditorium stage
- Aug 16th from 7 am – 1 pm in the AUX gym
- Makeup pictures are on Sept 10th from 7:00 am – 1:30 pm
Please click HERE for the school picture order form
Extra School Information
- For parking permits, click HERE. This program is open to all grades. Complete the form, gather the required documents, and turn it all in at the main office.
- For the nutrition/lunch waiver, click HERE. Please print the form, complete it, gather any required documents, and return it to the school. You can also complete it online during your registration.
- Class fee waiver: Click HERE. Please print the form, complete it, gather the required documents, and turn it in at the HHS main office.
- Lockers are not mandatory. If students want a locker, they will pay $5 in the Main Office and then go to the Attendance Office to obtain a locker number and combo. This can be done at any time during office hours.
9th Grade Orientation
Hello, Class of 2028!
We are excited that you will be attending Hillcrest High School and look forward to meeting you during Freshman Orientation on August 16th! This day is all about getting to know the school, becoming comfortable with your class schedule, and meeting your teachers, counselors, and administration. Please come prepared to have your school pictures taken.
The activities will begin at 7:45 am and finish at 12 pm. Refer to the schedule below for details. Lunch will be provided.
Student drop-off is on the West side of the school. The east side is for bus drop-off only.
At 7:30 a.m., buses will pick up students at their normal bus stops.
August 16th: Freshman Orientation Schedule:
7:45 am – 8:30 am – Freshmen arrive at HHS and head to the COMMONS to pick up their schedules and take school pictures.
8:00 am – 8:30 am – Freshmen head to the BIG GYM and will be welcomed by teachers, admin & counselors
8:30 am – 9:00 am – Welcome by Principal McCann, SBOs and Counselors
9:00 am – 9:15 am – Freshmen head to their 1st period
- 9:15-9:45 Period 1: Tour of the building
- 9:51-9:56 APP
- 10:02-10:07 Period 2
- 10:13-10:18 Period 3
- 10:24-10:29 Period 4
- 10:35-10:40 Period 5
- 10:46-10:51 Period 6
- 10:57-11:02 Period 7
- 11:08-11:13 Period 8
11:13 am –12:00 pm—Pick up T-shirt and have lunch
12:00 pm – Busses Depart

Back to School Night
Back to School Night is on August 14 from 4-8 pm! Join us for fun, food, and games, and learn about school information. Free student haircuts and school immunizations will be available. We are also collecting cereal to benefit our Hillcrest Free Market. Please bring cereal to Back to School Night!
Jr Huskies Preschool
Jr. Huskies Preschool is currently accepting applications for the 24/25 school year. Click the form HERE to sign up your student for preschool, or stop by our main office for a registration packet. If you have any questions, reach out to our preschool director, Kayla Dinsdale kayla.dinsdale@canyonsdistrict.org

We would love to have you join the PTSA!
- Can you donate your TIME? Great, we have volunteer opportunities year-round.
- Can you donate MONEY? Great, we accept donations all year round.
- No TIME or MONEY to donate? Great! We would still love to have your $7 membership!
Join or donate here: Hillcrest High PTSA
PTSA Board 2024-2025: Pres-Chelsea Worth, Sec-Jen McDonough, Treasurer- Becca Staker, VP Membership- Kayo Robinson, VP Advocacy-Derek Hanks, and VP Community Engagement-Rebecca Martin
Support the many programs the PTSA runs at Hillcrest High School. Contribute to our fundraiser by buying a Husky Blanket for $75!
This super soft, double-sided Husky Blanket features the Husky logo. It is 60″ x 80″ and features the large Hillcrest logo on one side and pawprints on the reverse side.

We are a Community School!
What is a Community School?
A community school strives to unite school staff, community members, families, and students to work together to help students and families succeed! We work together to provide resources and events for our families. Some examples of what we do at Hillcrest include providing food, clothing, showers, and holiday support through our Hillcrest Free Market. We connect families and students to local resources through our annual community resource events such as Back to School Night, Wellness Fair, Spanish Nights, and Cultural Night.
The Free Market is on Instagram! Follow our Hillcrest Free Market Instagram page to stay updated on community events and resources over the year. (@hillcrestfreemarket)
We send weekly messages to parents on our Free Market Parent Square Group about upcoming events, produce reminders, and provide resources. To request to join, please click https://www.parentsquare.com/groups/join/hhsmarket or email elena.reyes@canyonsdistrict.org
Have questions about our market or community events? Please contact elena.reyes@canyonsdistrict.org or call/text 385-418-9490.

Community Flyers