Hillcrest High School, Midvale Utah, September 8th, 2021
***In this Husky Strong Newsletter, you will find IMPORTANT Parking Update, Picture Day, Superintendents Listening Tour, PTSA Information and Current Events
IMPORTANT Parking Update:
***Important*** There is now access to the schools back parking lot off of 700 East. You may enter/exit through 700 East and that road will now continue through to 900 East. So, in essence, we have 2 entrances now. One off of 900 East and also one off of 700 East.
Picture Day:
Picture day is coming up on September 14th & 15th during the student’s Math class. Students that do not have a math class may get their picture taken before school, during lunch, or during the APP period. Pictures are used for Hillcrest IDs and for the Hillcrest yearbook. Families may choose to purchase additional pictures. Picture purchasing packets are available in Math classes and the Attendance Office. If you have any questions please contact the main office at 801-826-6000.
Superintendent Listening Tour:
CSD Superintendent Welcomes Questions, Feedback at Districtwide Listening Tour
Have a question about Canyons School District? Suggestions, concerns or compliments? Or maybe, after the months of social distancing that coincided with Dr. Rick Robins’ first year as CSD’s Superintendent, you’d like to meet him in person. Coming soon to a middle school near you: community members will have a chance to do just that as Dr. Robins travels the District for his inaugural Superintendent’s Listening Tour. The Town Hall-style events will run from 6:30-8 p.m. and take place at the following locations. Questions and comments can be submitted in advance or during the events at canyonsdistrict.org/voice. Just choose the “Superintendent’s Listening Tour” location from the dropdown list found on the submission form. Spanish-speaking interpreters will be available at the Indian Hills, Midvale Middle and Eastmont Middle events.
Indian Hills Middle, Aug. 26
180 E Sanders Rd., Sandy
Butler Middle, Aug. 31
7530 S. 2700 East, Cottonwood Heights
Midvale Middle, Sept. 8
7852 S. Pioneer St., Midvale
Eastmont Middle, Sept. 13
10100 S. 1300 East, Sandy
Draper Park Middle, Sept. 15
13133 S. 1300 East, Draper
El superintendente de CSD da la bienvenida a preguntas y comentarios en la gira de escuchar a todos en el distrito
¿Tiene una pregunta sobre el Distrito Escolar Canyons? ¿Sugerencias, inquietudes o cumplidos? O tal vez, después de los meses de distanciamiento social que coincidieron con el primer año del Dr. Rick Robins como Superintendente del CSD, le gustaría conocerlo en persona. Próximamente en una escuela intermedia cercana a usted: los miembros de la comunidad tendrán la oportunidad de hacer precisamente eso mientras el Dr. Robins viaja por el distrito para su gira inaugural de audición del superintendente. Los eventos al estilo del Ayuntamiento se llevarán a cabo de 6: 30 a 8 p.m. y tomaran lugar en los siguientes lugares. Las preguntas y los comentarios se pueden enviar por adelantado o durante los eventos en canyonsdistrict.org/voice. Simplemente elija “Gira de audición del superintendente” de la lista desplegable que se encuentra en el formulario de envío. Habrá intérpretes de habla hispana disponibles en los eventos de Indian Hills, Midvale Middle y Eastmont Middle.
Indian Hills Middle, 26 de agosto
180 E Sanders Rd., Sandy
Butler Middle, 31 de agosto
7530 S. 2700 Este, Cottonwood Heights
Midvale Middle, 8 de septiembre
7852 S. Pioneer St., Midvale
Eastmont Middle, 13 de septiembre
10100 S. 1300 Este, Sandy
Draper Park Middle, 15 de septiembre
13133 S. 1300 Este, Draper
PTSA Information:
Welcome back to school!! PTSA is the Parent-Teacher-Student Association
that supports our Hillcrest community. Come get involved in programs that help your student and their teachers. PTSA sponsors events like Husky Heroes, Reflections Art Contest, Battle of the Bands, Student Service Club, Student Scholarships, Classroom Grants, and Teacher Appreciation.
PTSA Meetings
Our first General PTSA Meeting will be held on Wed, September 8th at 1:00pm in the Conference room in the new Hillcrest High School. (Go to the main office and you will be directed to the conference room.) Come vote to approve the budget for this year. All are welcome to attend, but only members can vote.
Not a member yet? JOIN TODAY!! It’s easy and only $7.00!
Husky Heroes
HHS PTSA recognizes eight students each month with Husky Hero awards. These are students who exemplify the ability to help those around them, to promote school unity, to overcome obstacles, and/or improve themselves in some way.
Husky Heroes can be nominated by faculty, staff, parents or other students. Everyone chosen for this award gets swag, including a parking pass, prizes, a blanket, and more!
October nominations should be submitted by Thursday Sept. 30. Paper nomination forms can be found in the Main Office and in the Attendance Office. You can also submit a nomination online at
Interested in helping out? We need YOU! We are looking for help with
*Meals for teachers during Parent/Teacher Conferences
*Battle of the Bands
If you are interested in volunteering for any of these positions or if you have questions or comments, please email me at hhs.huskies.ptsa@gmail.com
Thank you for your support! We are looking forward to a great year.
Rebecca Martin
HHS PTSA President
PTSA Executive Board
President- Rebecca Martin
Treasurer- Geraldine Madariaga
Secretary- Becca Staker
Advocacy VP- Stacey Kratz
Membership VP- Kayo Robinson
Upcoming Events
- Please refer to the HHS School Calendar below to see what events are happening this week.
- https://www.calendarwiz.com/calendars/calendar.php?crd=706hillcrestndar by going to HHS Website at:
https://hhs.canyonsdistrict.org/ Once there, go to “School Info” drop down menu and select “School Calendar”. It will then open our school calendar.
- Our new school website also provides translation services. When you access the website, at the top right, you will see a translate button. Please click that button and select the language you would like to translate to. This will translate all website information into the language selected.
Official Hillcrest High School
Facebook: Official Hillcrest High School
Instagram: @hillcrest.huskies
Twitter: @HillcrestHighUT
YouTube: Official Hillcrest High School
Official Hillcrest SBO
Instagram: @hillcrestsbo
Twitter: @hillcrestsbo
YouTube: Hillcrest SBO
School Website
Articles & Photo Galleries
Hillcrest TV