7350 S. 900 East, Midvale, UT 84047



Hillcrest High School, Midvale Utah, April 20th, 2022

***In this Husky Strong Newsletter, you will find Principals Message: Friday Virtual Learning Day, 2022 Senior Survey, Earthquake Drill, Utah Jazz Scholarships/OneRefugee Scholarship Recipient, Husky Wellness Night, WBL Career Corner, PTSA Information, Current Events 

Principals Message: Friday Virtual Learning Day

Parents/Guardians and Students,

On April 22nd (Friday) HHS will have a remote learning day.  That Friday is a B-day so students will receive instructions from their teachers on work to be done at home for B-day classes.  This is one of the 6 remote learning days that will be announced.  Please see the details below to work with teachers and how the work should be structured.  

  • We will provide a two-hour window of support for student learning. Our schoolwide time will be from 8:30-10:30 am.  Teachers will create a zoom link and provide that information to parents and students through Canvas or other skyward emails.  
  • Teachers will provide work for remote Fridays that can be done at home without much direction from teachers.  The goal is to not cause undue stress on families.  
  • Teachers need to be at school from 7-3.
  • A and B days will follow the current Canyons School District Calendar. This means if a remote Friday falls on an A day, students will work through their A-day classes only and vice versa for B-day remote learning days. This will allow us to stay on normal A/B day scheduling.

2022 Senior Survey (All Seniors Must Complete)


We need you to complete the following survey before you pick up your caps and gowns.  

Go to https://csdsurveys.canyonsdistrict.org/ and complete this very short survey.  

Your cap and gowns will be here on Monday April 25th during both lunches for pickup.  


You MUST go to cb.org/apexamterms to review the 2022 AP Exam Terms and Conditions before your scheduled AP exam. You will be required to accept these terms and conditions on your AP answer sheet prior to taking each exam. AP Art and Design students can review their AP Exam Terms and Conditions at cb.org/apartdesignterms and will be required to accept them before submitting their artwork.

Earthquake Drill:

Hillcrest is joining the Great Utah ShakeOut on April 21st, 2022 at 10:15 AM. See the ShakeOut website for many resources as a community to prepare for Utah Earthquakes. Be careful out there!

Utah Jazz Scholarships/OneRefugee Scholarship Recipient:

Abdoulhaq Abderahim

  • Awarded a full-ride scholarship from the Utah Jazz
  • Speaks French, Arabic, Sango, and English
  • Came to the US from Central African Republic in 2019
  • 3.5 GPA
  • Plays Varsity Soccer

Sayed Shah

  • Awarded a full ride scholarship from OneRefugeeCame to the US from Afghanistan as a refugee in October 2021
  • Runs 400 meter and 300 meter hurdles on Track team
  • Speaks Dari, Pashto, Urdu, English, and learning more
  • Likes to go to new places and learn new things

Husky Wellness Night:

Hillcrest will host Husky Wellness Night on April 20th from 5pm-8pm. 

There will be free workshops for parents on social media awareness, helping teens with anxiety and drug abuse prevention. There will also be free medical, dental and vision screenings. Community organizations will be present and giving information about their services and giving away goodies! Don’t worry about childcare or food, we have you covered! Please see the flyer for more information. 

FREE HAIRCUTS for all Hillcrest High School students and their family as part of the Wellness Fair (April 20th). 

We will have 2-3 barbers/hairstylists from the Salt Lake area:

Planted Salon, check them out on Instagram @plantedsalon

SAVANT studio barbershop, check them out on Instagram @savant_studio 

WBL Career Corner:

Hillcrest JOB BOARD

There are many businesses calling the school asking for students interested in work. If you want a summer job or you are a senior looking for work, please visit the Hillcrest Job Board at




The South Valley Chamber offers a scholarship yearly to one qualified student. Jr Women in Business is a program in which if chosen our Hillcrest representative will attend Women in Business meetings/luncheons monthly throughout the school year. A job shadow is required and the student is also given a mentor. 

Please visit this site if interested in applying deadline has been extended to May 13th. 

Go to Southvalleychamber.com/women-in-business to apply today! 

PTSA Information:

LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS TO HELP PLAN GRAD NIGHT! Co-chairs of the event, Ellen Sperry and Amy Wareham are looking for Parents AND Seniors to help plan activities and food. Please email hhs.huskies.ptsa@gmail.com if you would like to be on the Grad Night committee. Tickets will go on sale soon! $25.


Help our Community – donate food and clothing!  Students bring donations to APP LAST DAY TOMORROW!! April 20th 

PTSA Student Club is holding a Donation Drive for our Community Hub that supplies our students who are experiencing hardship. April 1- 20th Students can bring in donations to APP class. Top App class wins a breakfast! Scroll down to see full list of needed items.

**Need Individually Packaged Snacks like applesauce, trail mix, popcorn, juice boxes. Please NO CANNED GOODS, NO Mac & Cheese, NO oatmeal.  

**Need NEW Hoodies, Shorts, Sweatpants, and Sneakers (shoe sizes 8 – 12)**

April 20th – Student Service Club Activity 2:30 – 3:30 pm to gather and count items. Come join the fun! 

$$$PTSA Scholarship for Seniors DEADLINE FRIDAY!!!$$$

The PTSA is pleased to offer two $300 scholarships for graduating seniors who have demonstrated quality service to the school and community. 


  • Must be a member of HHS PTSA – dues are $7 You can join here: hillcresthuskies.memberhub.store 
  • Essay – no more than 1000 words which answers these questions: 1. What are your plans for college/career training and your future? 2. How did your service in high school impact your school and community? 
  • Include: Name Mailing Address (include city and zip code) Phone Number, and Email Address 
  • Copy of 2021-2022 1st or 2nd quarter GPA (access report card on Skyward under “Student Login/ReportCards/Test Results”

***Email Essay and GPA to Email hhs.huskies.ptsa@gmail.com**

Husky Blankets available! Order yours today – $75 for super plush two-sided blanket


Food Drive for Community Hub- Donations Needed

Squeeze applesauce
Granola Bars
Fruit snacks
Chip Bags
Dried Fruit
Trail Mix

Individual Serving
Cooking Oils
Baking/Other Food
brownie mix

We are very grateful for all donations but we do ask for students to refrain
from donating mac and cheese, oatmeal, and
canned goods. 

Apple Juice
Orange Juice
Water Bottles
Other drinks
Shelf Stable
Individual Serving

Have questions or comments? Email hhs.huskies.ptsa@gmail.com

PTSA Executive Board

Rebecca Martin, Becca Staker, Geraldine Madariaga, Stacey Kratz, Kayo Robinson