Hillcrest High School, Midvale Utah, April 13th, 2022
***In this Husky Strong Newsletter, you will find Aspire Testing, Choir Auditions, Husky Wellness Night, Alumni Scholarships, Grad Night, PTSA Information, Current Events
Aspire Testing:
Aspire Testing Schedule:
Attention Students and Parents:
All 9th and 10th grade students in Canyons School District will be taking the Utah Aspire Plus Test. The Hillcrest High School test is scheduled for Wednesday, April 13th and Thursday, April 14th 2022.
ALL JUNIORS AND SENIORS WILL HAVE A LATE START TIME OF 10:30am. If Juniors and Seniors ride the bus to school, they must report to the library to do school work.
Aspire testing will begin at 7:45 A.M. Students should bring #2 pencils and an appropriate calculator, and school ID.
- DO:
- Arrive ON TIME to your assigned room – testing begins no later than 7:45a.m.
- Bring Photo ID (current school ID)
- Bring Number 2 pencils and a permitted calculator
- Students may bring their own headphones (must be hardwired, no Bluetooth)
- DO NOT bring any type of ELECTRONIC DEVICES
- DO NOT eat or drink in the testing room
- DO NOT bring scratch paper, notes, reading material
ASPIRE Testing Schedule:
DAY 1:
- 9TH AND 10TH GRADERS ARRIVE ……………………….…..7:00 – 7:30 AM
- Test 1………………………………………………..…………….75 Minutes
- Test 2…………………………………………………….…………45 Minutes
DAY 2:
- 9TH AND 10TH GRADERS ARRIVE …………………………..7:00 – 7:30 AM
- Test 1………………………………………………..………..…….75 Minutes
- Test 2…………………………………………………………..………60 Minutes
- ASPIRE test will be administered to 9th and 10th grade students on Wednesday, April 13th and Thursday, April 14th
- 9th and 10th graders will report to their assigned testing rooms by 7:30am.
- Students must use a school issued Chromebook to access the ASPIRE test.
- Testing room assignments will be posted outside the main office and attendance office.
- 11th and 12th grade students do not need to be in school until 10:30am.
- If your 11th or 12th grade student rides the school bus in the morning, they should report to the library to work on school work.
- Regular class schedule will begin at 10:35am.
**BUSES WILL RUN AT THE REGULAR TIMES JUNIORS AND SENIORS and they will have a place to go during testing time until the regular bell schedule takes place. **
DAY 1:
1ST PERIOD: 10:31-11:16
LUNCH: 11:16-11:52
3RD PERIOD 12:49-1:34
4TH PERIOD 1:49-2:20
DAY 2:
5TH PERIOD: 10:48-11:31
LUNCH: 11:31-12:06
6TH PERIOD: 12:12- 12:54
7TH PERIOD: 1:00-1:42
8TH PERIOD: 1:48-2:20
Choir Auditions:
Choir Audition Dates are April 11 and 12. Audition Information is on the choir website at hillcrestchoir.com
Also: sign up for audition times @ https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0F49ABAB29A0FD0-choir

Husky Wellness Night:
Hillcrest will host Husky Wellness Night on April 20th from 5pm-8pm.
There will be free workshops for parents on social media awareness, helping teens with anxiety and drug abuse prevention. There will also be free medical, dental and vision screenings. Community organizations will be present and giving information about their services and giving away goodies! Don’t worry about childcare or food, we have you covered! Please see the flyer for more information.

FREE HAIRCUTS for all Hillcrest High School students and their family as part of the Wellness Fair (April 20th).
We will have 2-3 barbers/hairstylists from the Salt Lake area:
Planted Salon, check them out on Instagram @plantedsalon
SAVANT studio barbershop, check them out on Instagram @savant_studio

Alumni Scholarships:
The Hillcrest High Alumni Association is offering two different scholarships this year. Read below for details. Students may apply for one or both scholarships and could possibly receive one or both scholarships.
Application deadline for both scholarships is Friday, April 15, 2022
Hillcrest High Alumni Association 2022 Scholarships
Scholarship value: to be determined
Over the past three years the Hillcrest High Alumni Association has awarded recipients an average of $2,000 each.
Number of awards available: to be determined
Eligibility: Must be a Hillcrest High School graduate in 2022. These are needs-based scholarships to be used for one term of college or other vocational training. Students must fill out a short application and include a letter of reference, a photo, and a signed permission form.
Lorene Mark Scholarship – The Power of Words and Education
Lorene Mark is a former Hillcrest High educator. She taught language arts at Hillcrest from 1962 till 1987. She was passionate about what she did and she had a great influence on many students over the years.
Scholarship value: $1,000
Eligibility: Open to 2022 Hillcrest High School graduates. To be awarded to a student majoring in English or Education OR a student who has been empowered through writing and language skills. Students must fill out a short application and include a letter of reference, a photo, and a signed permission form. Students must also write an essay about their passion for English or Education. OR explain how they have been empowered through writing and language.
How to get an application for either or both scholarships:
Send an email to hillcresthighalumni@gmail.com to request an application or ask your Hillcrest counselor for an application.
Questions? Email Karen Conder, HHAA Secretary at hillcresthighalumni@gmail.com
Grad Night:
LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS TO HELP PLAN GRAD NIGHT! Co chairs of the event, Ellen Sperry and Amy Wareham are looking for Parents AND Seniors to help plan activities and food. Please email hhs.huskies.ptsa@gmail.com if you would like to be on the Grad Night committee. Tickets will go on sale soon! $25

Help our Community – donate food and clothing! Students bring donations to APP Class April 1st – 20th
PTSA Student Club is holding a Donation Drive for our Community Hub that supplies our students who are experiencing hardship. April 1- 20th Students can bring in donations to APP class. Top App class wins a breakfast! Scroll down to see full list of needed items.
**Need Individually Packaged Snacks like applesauce, trail mix, popcorn, juice boxes. Please NO CANNED GOODS, NO Mac & Cheese, NO oatmeal.
**Need NEW Hoodies, Shorts, Sweatpants, and Sneakers (shoe sizes 8 – 12)**
April 20th – Student Service Club Activity 2:30 – 3:30pm to gather and count items. Come join the fun!
PTSA Scholarship for Seniors the PTSA sponsors 2 $300 scholarships for graduating seniors who have served our school. Apply today! See Counseling Center for more info.
PTSA Meeting April 13th 1:00pm in Conference Room
Come hear what’s happening at Hillcrest and vote to elect the Executive Board for PTSA for next school year. Are you interested in getting involved? We need volunteers for next year! Let us know if you want to help out with Teacher Appreciation, Blanket Sales, Husky Heroes, Spirit Night, etc. hhs.huskies.ptsa@gmail.com
Proposed PTSA Board 2022-23
Pres- Rebecca Martin
Sec- Becca Staker
Treasurer- Chelsea Worth
VP Membership- Kayo Robinson
VP Advocacy- Stacey Kratz
Husky Heroes
Husky Hero awards are given each month to two students in each grade who: Make a significant effort to help others, promote school unity, or overcome obstacles and improve themselves in some way.
Do you know a Husky who should be a recognized Hero? Anyone can submit a nomination– faculty, staff, parents or other students. Nominations should be submitted by the 23rd of each month. Paper nomination forms are available in the main office.
Online submissions are at: https://forms.gle/uCwUp2A3za9WRfvg7
Parents- We want YOU! Do you care about your child’s education? Want to know what’s happening at school? Want to get to talk to administration and help make important decisions? Join PTA and Join the conversation. Become a member today for $7. STUDENTS CAN JOIN TOO!!! https://hillcresthuskies.memberhub.com/store

Husky Blankets available! Order yours today – $75 for super plush two-sided blanket
Food Drive for Community Hub- Donations Needed
Squeeze applesauce
Granola Bars
Fruit snacks
Chip Bags
Dried Fruit
Trail Mix
Individual Serving
Cooking Oils
Baking/Other Food
brownie mix
We are very grateful for all donations but we do ask for students to refrain
from donating mac and cheese, oatmeal, and
canned goods.
Apple Juice
Orange Juice
Water Bottles
Other drinks
Shelf Stable
Individual Serving
**NEW Teenager Appropriate Hoodies, Gymshorts, or Sweats
**NEW Teenager Appropriate Gym Shoes or Cleats sizes 8-12
Have questions or comments? Email hhs.huskies.ptsa@gmail.com
PTSA Executive Board
Rebecca Martin, Becca Staker, Geraldine Madariaga, Stacey Kratz, Kayo Robinson