Husky Strong Newsletter
Hillcrest High School, Midvale Utah, March 10th, 2021
***In this Husky Strong Newsletter, you will find Jr. Prom is on: Test to Dance, Health Science Virtual Job Shadows, PTSA News and Upcoming Events.
Principal’s Message:
Jr. Prom is On: Test to Dance
Dear Parents,
Hillcrest High School Jr. Prom
March 13th, 2021
Jr. Prom is on and its FREE! In order to facilitate this dance, Hillcrest High School has made it a TEST to DANCE event. This means every single student who wants to go to the dance will be required to be tested for COVID-19 on March 12th, 2021 (More information below). In order for Hillcrest to test you for COVID, you will need to complete the authorization form on RedCap. Some of you may have already done this and will not need to register again. Anyone who is not registered cannot be tested, and in turn, cannot attend the dance. We will be holding the dance in two separate locations at Hillcrest High: The Stem Building and the Aux Gym. Both locations will have a DJ. We are only allowing 500 students per venue (1k total) and the sign-up for each venue is first come first serve. This dance is reserved for Juniors/Seniors only. There are 2 exceptions to this rule. 1. Your date is an underclassman or 2. you graduated within the last year and are coming with a current Hillcrest High School student. Regardless, ALL participants will be required to be tested. PLEASE READ ALL THE INFORMATION BELOW…
- If you have not registered on RedCap (Covid Test Authorization Form), you need to do so now. It only takes a few minutes, but you must complete this form before the testing day on March 12th, 2021. The link below will take you to the form. AGAIN… anyone who plans on attending the dance must have this form complete and must be tested for COVID.
- The next step in this process is to sign-up. Below, you will see you have two locations to choose from for the dance. The Stem Building and the Aux Gym. You need to make sure you are signing up with your date/friends if you want to be in the same location with them. We will not allow any switching of locations during the event and we will not be allowing you to swap your spots. Once you sign up that is final, so plan ahead. Once the 500 sign-ups have been filled, that location will long longer be available for sign up. If you are planning on bringing a date from another school, they will need to sign-up and put what school they are from in the “My Comments” section. This is the same process for a student who graduated last year. Those coming with students who are from another school or who are graduated will still be required to registered on Redcap, get tested for COVID-19 on March 12th, and bring their ID with them. If they do not, they will not be allowed in the dance. If you sign-up in both locations, put silly names ,or add inappropriate names, it will be deleted immediately.
- TESTING INFORMATION: We will be holding our Testing Event on March 12th, 2021. ALL STUDENTS MUST BE AT THE MAIN GYM AT 7:15am TO BE TESTED. Once your test is complete, you will be given a wrist band that correlates with your dance location. DO NOT take that band off. It will be your ticket into the dance the following night. If for some reason you cannot make the March 12th testing day or your assigned time, please email with your concern and we will make a plan.
- When you come to the dance, we will check you in and then direct you to your location. Thank you for being understanding of the safety protocols.
Dance Sign-up closes March 10th, 2021 at 12pm (Midnight)
Health Science Virtual Job Shadows:
Health Science Virtual JOB SHADOWS
Hosted by Hillcrest WBL
March 11th DR. SUZANNE HARRISON- Anesthetics
2:00 PM Zoom Shadow on March 11th
March 18th DR. BRADLEY YODER – Neonatal
2:35 PM Zoom Shadow on March 18
PTSA News:
**PTSA Meeting this Thursday – Election of PTSA officers for next year
The monthly Hillcrest PTSA meeting will be this Thurs., March 11th at 1:00 p.m.
We will be voting on officers for the 2021-22 school year. We hope you will join us.
Everyone is welcome.
This will be a ZOOM meeting. Please see the meeting login information below. Join Zoom Meeting at 1:00 p.m. Thurs, March 11th
Topic: Hillcrest PTSA Meeting
Meeting ID: 899 0071 2781
Passcode: 234833
Find your local number:
Hillcrest PTSA is offering two $200 scholarships this year to graduating Seniors. Students will need to fill out a short application and submit it by April 16, 2021. For application instructions. email or visit our Facebook page Hillcrest High School PTSA
We have new Husky blankets available this year. Blankets are 60” x 80” and made of feather-soft plush. Deluxe blankets are double-layered with the new Husky logo on the front and a repeating pattern on the back and edged with a black binding. Regular blankets are a single layer with the new logo and a hemmed edge.
Deluxe blankets are $65 and Regular blankets are $55.
Blankets can be purchased online at and picked up in the main office or they can be purchased in the Main Office during office hours.
Congratulations to our March Husky Heroes:
- Freshmen:
- Haley Fries
- Audrey Samantha Chabries
- Sophomores:
- Sydney Gardner
- Carissa Jameson
- Seniors:
- Kaden Finney
- Emma Spilker
- Anton Davies
- Nicole Crain
Nominate a Husky Hero
HHS PTSA recognizes up to eight students each month with Husky Hero awards. These students exemplify the ability to help those around them, promote school unity, overcome obstacles, and/or improve themselves somehow. Anyone can submit a nomination – faculty, staff, parents, or other students. Everyone chosen for this award gets swag, including a parking pass, prizes, a blanket, and more! Nominations should be submitted by the 23rd of each month.
Nominations can be submitted online at
Paper nomination forms can also be found in the Main Office and the Attendance Office.
If you have any questions or suggestions for Hillcrest PTSA, please email us at our PTSA email or contact any of us personally.
2020-2021 Hillcrest Executive Board
President – Karen Conder
President-Elect – Rebecca Martin
Secretary – Tammie Ynda
Treasurer – Geraldine Madariaga
Membership VP – Peiru Chen
Legislative VP – Becca Staker
Upcoming Events:
Please refer to the HHS School Calendar below to see what events are happening this week.
You can find the school calendar by going to HHS Website at:
Once there, go to “School Info” drop down menu and select “School Calendar”. It will then open our school calendar.
- Our new school website also provides translation services. When you access the website, at the top right, you will see a translate button. Please click that button and select the language you would like to translate to. This will translate all website information into the language selected.
Husky Strong
#allpacksunited #weareHILLCREST
Connect with us here!
Official Hillcrest High School
Facebook: Official Hillcrest High School
Instagram: @hillcrest.huskies
Twitter: @HillcrestHighUT
YouTube: Official Hillcrest High School
Official Hillcrest SBO
Instagram: @hillcrestsbo
Twitter: @hillcrestsbo
YouTube: Hillcrest SBO
School Website