7350 S. 900 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Husky Strong – 2/17/2021

Husky Strong Newsletter

Hillcrest High School, Midvale Utah, February 17th, 2021

***In this Husky Strong Newsletter, you will find Parent-Teacher Conference Zoom Sign-Up, IMPORTANT REGISTRATION INFORMATION: PLEASE READ, UHSAA Athletic Participation Guidelines, Yearbook Baby Ads, February CTE Month Calendar and Upcoming Events.

Principal’s Message:

Parent-Teacher Conference Zoom Sign-Up

Dear Families of Hillcrest High Students,

Parent-Teacher conferences are once again upon us. They will be held February 23rd (from 3:30-7:30 p.m.) and February 24th (from 3:30-7:00).  Similar to the Fall, we will again be holding our Parent-Teacher Conferences virtually using Zoom. In order to serve families more effectively, we have chosen not to have a strict schedule for our virtual meetings. Instead, teachers will be available in their Zoom meetings for the entirety of the conference, allowing families to join in at their leisure. If the teachers are in a meeting with another family, you will be placed in a virtual “waiting room”. Zoom does not have an option to let you know where you are “in line” in the waiting room, but our intention is for meetings to last no more than 5 minutes. As such, you should not be in a “waiting room” too long. If a teacher has not yet started the Zoom meeting, you will see “Waiting for the host to start this meeting.” If a teacher is with another family, you will see “Please wait, the meeting host will let you in soon.” 

Parent teacher conference are:

February 23rd, 3:30-7:30 p.m.

February 24th, 3:30-7:00 p.m.

Please reference your student’s teachers Zoom links here through this google document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LeT2dylyV69iNP-mp-bC420Whu3y3H_FjTKTRb-kW8o/edit?usp=sharing

If you cannot open this google document because you do not have a google account, please open the document using your student’s csddocs account.

If you are unfamiliar with opening Zoom, we have included this tutorial on how to open the google document referenced above, find the teachers’ Zoom links, and open the Zoom website: https://youtu.be/J-ro2lubmis .

As with everything technology, there may be some challenges. If you experience technical issues, please call the front office and someone will get back to help you, 801-826-6000. Again, please be patient with us as we attempt to make this an enjoyable process.


Dear Parents,

Please see information regarding Course Selections for the 2021-2022 school year below.  It is important that all students complete this by February 18.  Students who do not complete this will have schedules filled by counselors beginning on February 19.   Thank you for your attention to this as we prepare for the 2021-22 school year.

On February 2nd – 18th Course Selections will be open for students to be able to select classes for the 2021-22 school year.  All materials and resources that students will need to make course selections are available on our website at https://hhs.canyonsdistrict.org/course-request-2/.   On the website, students can select one of two options, in-person or online learning.  Once students have selected their learning option, they can make course selections through the appropriate links. We suggest you start with Husky Fair and read through the power point grade presentations.  After you have all of the information you will need to accurately register,  the class choice links are available at the bottom of the page.   Finally, there is a Frequently Asked Questions page at the bottom.  In addition, HHS counselors will be presenting to students specific instructions on course selections in classes.  If your questions are not answered here please call your counselor. 

7:00).  Similar to the Fall Conferences, we are holding our Parent-Teacher Conferences virtually using Zoom. Look for the Google Docs link next week in Husky Strong. 

UHSAA Athletic Participation Guideline:

If a student participates in a complete season of a UHSAA sanctioned sport and the school determines the sport aligns with the course standards, the school may award the student 0.50 units of PE credit. If the student completes an additional season with a different sport and the school determines the sport aligns with course standards, the school may award the student another 0.5 units of PE credit. A maximum of 1.0 credit can be earned by participating in a sport outside of a student’s regular class schedule. UHSAA athletic participation may be awarded for Participation Skills and Techniques and/or Individual Lifetime Activities (PST and PE Elective). If PST and PE Elective are already completed, credit can be applied to general elective credit. Athletic participation credit does not apply to Fitness for Life/Lifetime Fitness credit.

Yearbook Baby Ads:

Baby Ads Deadline:  Due February 25th

Please turn in your form to the main office at Hillcrest High School or email it to Mr. Freeman at yearbookhhs62@gmail.com.
Download document for more details.
Download Documents

February CTE Month Calendar:

Upcoming Events: 

Please refer to the HHS School Calendar below to see what events are happening this week.


You can find the school calendar by going to HHS Website at:


Once there, go to “School Info” drop down menu and select “School Calendar”. It will then open our school calendar.

  • Our new school website also provides translation services. When you access the website, at the top right, you will see a translate button. Please click that button and select the language you would like to translate to. This will translate all website information into the language selected.


Husky Strong

#allpacksunited #weareHILLCREST

Connect with us here! 

Official Hillcrest High School 

Facebook: Official Hillcrest High School

Instagram: @hillcrest.huskies

Twitter: @HillcrestHighUT

YouTube: Official Hillcrest High School

Official Hillcrest SBO

Instagram: @hillcrestsbo

Twitter: @hillcrestsbo

YouTube: Hillcrest SBO

School Website


Articles & Photo Galleries 
