7350 S. 900 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Husky Strong – 12/16/2020

Husky Strong Newsletter

Hillcrest High School, Midvale Utah, December 16th, 2020

***In this Husky Strong Newsletter, you will find Principals Message: Arena Scheduling, Digital Citizen, Seal of Biliteracy, PTSA News, Hope Squad Newsletter and Upcoming Events.

Principal’s Message

Dear Parents,

Arena Scheduling is now open for students to make adjustments to their 2nd semester schedules.  Arena Scheduling will close on Monday January 4th at 11:59 pm.  This is to allow families to make adjustments to in-person or online learning and for students to fill holes in 2nd semester schedules.  Hillcrest will be closed for Winter Recess from December 18 – January 4.  Due to constraints in the Skyward system, you may not be able to change a year-long class (Math, Science, Social Studies, English) through Arena Scheduling.  If you need support from a counselor to change a year-long class or fill a hole in your schedule, please sign up on the attached Google Form.  Counselors will return calls from this list in the order they were received starting on January 4.  


Please note that students will not be able to change IB, Reading, Special Education, or English Language Development classes.  There will not be any formal schedule change times at the semester, so this is your opportunity to make any changes needed to your student’s schedule.  If you have questions about schedules, please contact your student’s counselor.  Counselors will also be available to assist with Arena Scheduling in the Career Center (across from the Counseling Center) from 7:00 AM – 7:30 AM and 2:30 PM -3 :00 PM on December 16 and 17.  Contact information for each counselor is listed below.

Mr. Hole (A-Can)-  801-826-6024

Ms. Huff (Car-Do)-  801-826-6119

Ms. Gardner (Dr-Hi)-  801-826-6022

Ms. Walters (Ho-Man)-  801-826-6168

Mr. Oliver (Mar-Pe)-  801-826-6087

Ms. Romero (Pf-Sti)-  801-826-6021

Mr. Murdock (Sto-Z)-  801-826-6023

Digital Citizenship:

We are entering a very busy time of the year. So, take the time to enjoy those around you by setting up a device-free dinner. Invite your family to check their many devices at the door and spend a meal talking, sharing upcoming events, and just catching up. Give your family a gift this year—share conversation!

Video: #DeviceFreeDinner – Basket (with Will Ferrell)

Video: Try a Device Free Dinner

Need something to talk about now that you put you devices away? Try the game below!

Seal of Biliteracy:

What is the Seal of Biliteracy?

Can you speak more than one language? If so, consider it a badge of honor — andconsider applying to have an official Seal of Biliteracy added to your high school transcripts. The Seal of Biliteracy is a designation by the Utah State Office of Education signaling a student’s demonstrated proficiency in English and a worldlanguage.

Who can apply?

Students are encouraged to apply their junior year but, all high school juniors and seniors who are proficient in English and a world language are eligible to apply for the seal starting Tuesday, Dec. 1. The application window closes on Jan. 22, 2021. The application is completed online at: https://sealofbiliteracy.canyonsdistrict.org.


Talk to Diploma Specialist in the counseling office. More information about the requirements and application process also can be found at canyonsdistrict.org.

PTSA News:


Everyone can use a little more kindness, especially during a pandemic, when everything is changed and different. So let’s share kindness and celebrate our great Hillcrest High community. Each week from now until winter break, let’s pass some thanks around. #PassingThanksAround.

Week 5: (December 10-16) Thank a student (Teachers, Staff and Students – recognize a student who could really use a lift)

Week 6: (December 17-23) Thank it forward (Sincerely thank a stranger or anyone who could use a smile.)

Thank you cards can be downloaded at www.utahpta.org or you can just send an email.

**NEW HUSKY BLANKETS make great Christmas gifts!

Blankets are made with feather-soft plush and are 60” x 80” and feature the new Husky logo.

Regular single-layer blanket is $55. Reversible double-layer Deluxe blanket is $65. Husky decals are also available online for $5 each.

Order online at hillcresthuskies.memberhub.store or pay in the main office with cash or check. Contact PTSA with any questions at hhshuskiesptsa@gmail.com

Free gift wrapping and/or delivery available for orders placed by Dec. 19th  (delivery in the Salt Lake area)


Join PTSA for a chance to win your free Husky Blanket. All current PTSA members will be entered in each drawing. You can join online at hillcresthuskies.memberhub.store  or fill out an envelope in the Main Office or Attendance office. Membership is $7. If you aren’t sure if your membership is current, email hhshuskiesptsa@gmail.com and ask.

Only 2 drawings left – January 8 and February 5. Enter now to win! Congratulations to our November winner, teacher Jessika Jeppson and our October winner, student Gavin Carr!!



We are excited to tell you about a new way you can support Hillcrest PTSA that we think you’ll like! Our MemberHub e-store has a new category called “Givebacks”! Here, you’ll find special offers for everyday family purchases and gifts – things like 45% off on a Sam’s Club membership, or personalized pillow covers for just $6.00 ($24.99 value)

When you buy Givebacks, up to 20% of ALL sales go back to our PTSA! Givebacks are a PERFECT way to jump-start your holiday shopping. Every gift gives back. Please help support Hillcrest PTSA and get a great deal by purchasing Givebacks offers from our MemberHub e-store. Go check it out now!!

Here is the link: hillcresthuskies.memberhub.store

Also – If YOU own a business and you’re interested in doing an offer in our e-store for our community, please let us know! We would love to include your business.


As we go into winter holidays, don’t forget to sign up for Amazon Smile, which will donate a small portion of your purchase costs, at no extra charge to you, to our school! 
1. Go to smile.amazon.com.
2. Click on the drop down menu “AmazonSmile”
3. Click on “Change” Your Charity and select “Hillcrest High PTSA Utah”
4. When you shop, remember to go to SMILE.Amazon.com.
It’s simple yet can make a huge impact!

If you have any questions or suggestions for Hillcrest PTSA, please email us at our PTSA email hhshuskiesptsa@gmail.com or contact any of us personally.

2020-2021 Hillcrest Executive Board

President – Karen Conder

President-Elect – Rebecca Martin

Secretary – Tammie  Ynda

Treasurer – Geraldine Madariaga

Membership VP – Peiru Chen

Legislative VP – Becca Staker

Hope Squad Newsletter:

Please visit Hillcrest High School’s Hope Squad website to see their weekly newsletter:  https://hhs.canyonsdistrict.org/hope-squad/


Upcoming Events 

Please refer to the HHS School Calendar below to see what events are happening this week.


You can find the school calendar by going to HHS Website at:


Once there, go to “School Info” drop down menu and select “School Calendar”. It will then open our school calendar.

  • Our new school website also provides translation services. When you access the website, at the top right, you will see a translate button. Please click that button and select the language you would like to translate to. This will translate all website information into the language selected.


Husky Strong

#allpacksunited #weareHILLCREST

Connect with us here! 

Official Hillcrest High School 

Facebook: Official Hillcrest High School

Instagram: @hillcrest.huskies

Twitter: @HillcrestHighUT

YouTube: Official Hillcrest High School

Official Hillcrest SBO

Instagram: @hillcrestsbo

Twitter: @hillcrestsbo

YouTube: Hillcrest SBO

School Website


Articles & Photo Galleries 
