Husky Strong Newsletter

Hillcrest High School, Midvale Utah, December 2nd, 2020
***In this Husky Strong Newsletter, you will find Principals Message, Helpful Thoughts, PTSA News, and Upcoming Events.
Principal’s Message:
Parents/Guardians and Students,
We hope you are surviving virtual instruction. A quick reminder: if you need technology support please call the main office. The attendance office can help you when your student needs to be excused from virtual instruction. We have not received any confirmation on returning to in person instruction. That information should come to you via email from the district. We will keep you informed when we have received an approved date to return.
Construction is going well and we plan to be in our new building starting next August 2021. The classrooms in the new academic tower are currently being wall boarded and fitted with windows. The new commons area is going to be a very bright and beautiful space for students and patroons. Starting in June 2021, the 58-year-old building of H-Town will be demolished as we prepare for parking and athletic fields. It is our hope the current pandemic is resolved enough that we can invite the public in to explore our new building,
Principal Leavitt
Helpful Thoughts:
Helping Students Through Quarantine and School Re-Entry
The 2020-21 school year started off with anticipation, excitement, uncertainty, and apprehension. Those feelings and more have continued throughout the first few months of school. Students have adjusted to the new “normal” of the school year. In addition, many students have experienced times of quarantine either for themselves or for the entire school. As we continue the school year with further prospects of possible quarantines, the following information can guide you in helping your student academically, socially, and emotionally in times of quarantine and re-entry to school.
Helping students on quarantine
Keep a structure and a routine
Students of all ages are more productive when they maintain a daily schedule. Help students design and follow a regular routine which may include waking up at a scheduled time each morning, getting dressed as if it were a regular school day, structuring academic time, building in physical breaks (getting outside if possible), and going to sleep at a regular time.
Organize physical and mental space
Delegate a space specifically for school work. Organize the space with necessary materials and limit distractions. Keep a calendar with daily and weekly tasks, assignments, and goals. Make a to-do list and cross items off as they are completed. Break work into manageable chunks. Only focus on what tasks need to be completed that day or week.
Continue to cultivate relationships
Maintaining relationships continues to be an important aspect of mental health even during quarantine. Take advantage of virtual meetings with classmates for academic and social interactions. Find time to talk with friends and family. Phone calls and face time are better than text. Find time to participate in fun activities with those who live in the home.
Show compassion to self and other
Nourish the body, mind, and soul. Keep healthy eating, sleeping, and exercise habits. Spend time outside. Keep humor in the home. Try to laugh every day. Schedule time for a mindfulness routine for the entire family. Five to ten minutes of mindfulness practice each day is shown to have significant effects on mental wellness.
Helping students prepare for re-entry to school
Discuss what to expect when returning to school
Prepare students as to expectations such as new rules and social expectations as they return to school. Discuss any changes to expect and how to approach such changes.
Listen, validate, and calm concerns and fears
Students will have a myriad of feelings regarding returning to school. Listen to understand those feelings and respond in a calming manner. Discuss concerns and how the school is implementing procedures to keep them safe and healthy.
Discuss social expectations
Help students understand what is appropriate in social situations. Outline mask wearing, distancing, and other procedures the student should expect. Talk with student about how they can safely continue to socially interact with friends.
Manage your own anxiety:
Students will look to parents for examples of how they should be feeling with returning to school as well as how they should behave. Stay calm, show empathy, and model
PTSA News:
Everyone can use a little more kindness, especially during a pandemic, when everything is changed and different. So let’s share kindness and celebrate our great Hillcrest High community. Each week from now until winter break, let’s pass some thanks around. #PassingThanksAround.
Week 1 (Nov. 12-18) Thank a Teacher
Week 2 (Nov. 19-25) Thank someone who supports you.
(Principal, Aide, Lunch Worker, Bus Driver, Neighbor, Friend, etc.)
Week 3 (Nov. 26 – Dec. 2) Thank your “raisin’” (the person/people raising you or supporting you)
Week 4 (Dec. 3-8) Thank a past teacher
This week thank those who are “raisin’” you or who are “raisin’” you up by supporting and encouraging you. Next week thank a past teacher who was a positive influence for you.
Thank you cards can be downloaded at or you can just send an email.
We are excited to tell you about a new way you can support Hillcrest PTSA that we think you’ll like! Our MemberHub e-store has a new category called “Givebacks”! Here, you’ll find special offers for everyday family purchases and gifts – things like 45% off on a Sam’s Club membership, or personalized pillow covers for just $6.00 ($24.99 value)
When you buy Givebacks, up to 20% of ALL sales go back to our PTSA! Givebacks are a PERFECT way to jump-start your holiday shopping. Every gift gives back. Please help support Hillcrest PTSA and get a great deal by purchasing Givebacks offers from our MemberHub e-store. Go check it out now!!
Here is the link:
Also – If YOU own a business and you’re interested in doing an offer in our e-store for our community, please let us know! We would love to include your business.
As we go into winter holidays, don’t forget to sign up for Amazon Smile, which will donate a small portion of your purchase costs, at no extra charge to you, to our school!
1. Go to
2. Click on the drop down menu “AmazonSmile”
3. Click on “Change” Your Charity and select “Hillcrest High PTSA Utah”
4. When you shop, remember to go to
It’s simple yet can make a huge impact!
**NEW HUSKY BLANKETS make great gifts!
Parents! Are you looking for a Christmas gift for your student?
Why not give them a Husky blanket?
Blankets are made with feather-soft Nubay plush and are 60” x 80”.
Both have the new Husky logo.
Regular single-layer blanket is $55. Reversible double-layer deluxe blanket is $65
Order online at
Contact PTSA with any questions at
Free gift wrapping and/or delivery available for orders placed by Dec. 19th.
If you have any questions or suggestions for Hillcrest PTSA, please email us at our PTSA email or contact any of us personally.
2020-2021 Hillcrest Executive Board
President – Karen Conder
President-Elect – Rebecca Martin
Secretary – Tammie Ynda
Treasurer – Geraldine Madariaga
Membership VP – Peiru Chen
Legislative VP – Becca Staker
Upcoming Events
Please refer to the HHS School Calendar below to see what events are happening this week.
You can find the school calendar by going to HHS Website at:
Once there, go to “School Info” drop down menu and select “School Calendar”. It will then open our school calendar.
- Our new school website also provides translation services. When you access the website, at the top right, you will see a translate button. Please click that button and select the language you would like to translate to. This will translate all website information into the language selected.
Husky Strong
#allpacksunited #weareHILLCREST
Connect with us here!
Official Hillcrest High School
Facebook: Official Hillcrest High School
Instagram: @hillcrest.huskies
Twitter: @HillcrestHighUT
YouTube: Official Hillcrest High School
Official Hillcrest SBO
Instagram: @hillcrestsbo
Twitter: @hillcrestsbo
YouTube: Hillcrest SBO
School Website