Hillcrest High School, Midvale Utah, November 3rd , 2021
***In this Husky Strong Newsletter, you will find Principals Message: Friday Remote Learning, PTSA Information, Current Events
Principals Message: Friday Remote Learning
Parents/Guardians and Students,
On November 5th HHS will have a remote learning day. That Friday is a B day so students will receive instructions from their teachers on work to be done at home for B day classes. This is one of 6 remote learning days that will be announced. Please see the details below to work with teachers and how the work should be structured.
- We will provide a two-hour window of support for student learning. Our schoolwide time will be from 8:30-10:30am. Teachers will create a zoom link and provide that information to parents and students through Canvas or other skyward emails.
- Teachers will provide work for remote Fridays that can be done at home without much direction from teachers. The goal is to not cause undue stress on families.
- Teachers need to be at school from 7-3.
- A and B days will follow the current Canyons School District Calendar. This means if a remote Friday falls on an A day, students will work through their A day classes only and vice versa for B day remote learning days. This will allow us to stay on normal A/B day scheduling.
PTSA Information:
Winter Coat Donation Drive
It’s cold outside! We have a number of students who are in need of winter coats. Please be an ANGEL and sign up to donate a NEW WINTER COAT. See sign up for the needed Mens and Womens sizes. Thank you for the many people who have already donated coats. We need a few more! Check it out.
Spirit Night Wed Nov 17th Mod Pizza Ft Union
Just tell them you are with Hillcrest and it benefits our school!
Husky Blankets are HERE!!! Order yours today – $75 for super plush two-sided blanket.
We also have Husky Sport Water Bottles for $15, and decals for $3. They make a great holiday gift for your student. Check it out!
Husky Heroes
Husky Hero awards are given each month to two students in each grade who: Make a significant effort to help others, promote school unity, or overcome obstacles and improve themselves in some way.
Do you know a Husky who should be a recognized Hero? Anyone can submit a nomination– faculty, staff, parents or other students. Nominations should be submitted by the 23rd of each month. Paper nomination forms are available in the main office or you can submit online.
Online submissions are at: https://forms.gle/uCwUp2A3za9WRfvg7
Thank you to the following businesses for their generous donations for Husky Heroes program:
- All Star West Jordan
- Classic Fun Center
- Bahama Bucks
- J Dawgs
- Zao Asian Cafe
- Chipotle
Next PTSA General Meeting Wed Nov 10th at 1:00pm in the Conference Room. All are welcome to attend and get to talk to administration about what is happening at Hillcrest.
The winner of the membership drawing for a Hillcrest Sport Water bottle is Diana Bareyan. Thanks for joining PTSA! Next drawing will be December 10th. Join to have your name entered in the prize drawing!
Become a member today for $7 and join with other parents who care about your child’s education. The more members we have the bigger voice we have.
Have questions or comments? Email hhs.huskies.ptsa@gmail.com
PTSA Executive Board
President- Rebecca Martin
Treasurer- Geraldine Madariaga
Secretary- Becca Staker
VP Membership- Kayo Robinson
VP Advocacy- Stacey Kratz
Upcoming Events
- Please refer to the HHS School Calendar below to see what events are happening this week.
- https://www.calendarwiz.com/calendars/calendar.php?crd=706hillcrestndar by going to HHS Website at:
https://hhs.canyonsdistrict.org/ Once there, go to “School Info” drop down menu and select “School Calendar”. It will then open our school calendar.
- Our new school website also provides translation services. When you access the website, at the top right, you will see a translate button. Please click that button and select the language you would like to translate to. This will translate all website information into the language selected.
Official Hillcrest High School
Facebook: Official Hillcrest High School
Instagram: @hillcrest.huskies
Twitter: @HillcrestHighUT
YouTube: Official Hillcrest High School
Official Hillcrest SBO
Instagram: @hillcrestsbo
Twitter: @hillcrestsbo
YouTube: Hillcrest SBO
School Website
Articles & Photo Galleries
Hillcrest TV