7350 S. 900 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Husky Strong – 11/18/2020

Husky Strong Newsletter

Hillcrest High School, Midvale Utah, November 18th, 2020

***In this Husky Strong Newsletter, you will find Principals Message, Hope Squad Newsletter, PTSA News, PTSA Art Reflection Program, and Upcoming Events.

Principal’s Message: 


Last week I reported that HHS was well under the curve.  This week we have had a rise in cases.  If the trend continues HHS will be asked to go online by the board of health.  We are well into second quarter and I want to thank you and your students for your patience and hard work.   Doing school this way is not easy for you or for us.  Given the Governor’s directive, all school extracurricular activities have been cancelled for two weeks.  We hope our students will continue to social distance and wear masks when in the public outside of school.  Teachers are doing their best working with students who are on quarantine or isolation through Canvas (email as well).  However, if you have concerns please reach out to HHS administration.  Parents, we continue to encourage your students to engage with teachers on Fridays from 9-11a.m.  Teachers are available during this time to re-teach and answer questions on missing/current assignments.  Also, teachers will be taking attendance for any student who is online for one or more classes.  Teachers will mark a student absent on Fridays if they have not engaged with Canvas, connected with the teacher or accessed assignments.  Marking a student absent on Friday will represent the whole week of class.   As we approach the holidays, we hope your family is safe and can enjoy meaningful time together.

Principal Leavitt

Hope Squad Newsletter:

Please visit Hillcrest High School’s Hope Squad website to see their weekly newsletter:  https://hhs.canyonsdistrict.org/hope-squad/

PTSA Reflection’s Arts Program


Looking for all that amazing talent here at Husky Town. It is that time of year to reflect on this year’s theme, “I MATTER BECAUSE…..” The PTSA Reflection’s Arts Program locally and nationally recognizes students for their talent in the arts.

  1. Create an original work of art based on this year’s theme in any or all of the following categories: 

Dance,  Music,  Film,  Visual Arts,  Literature,  Photography

  1. Submit and upload entry on-line at www.utahpta.org/reflections-online
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IX-rzWHnY5Q (reflections video)
  3. Be recognized for your talent!!

All students in the Reflections Program will be honored with prizes from the Hillcrest PTSA and your entry could move on to win awards at the Region, State and National competitions!

All on-line entries are due by Friday, November 13th at 3:00pm

If you have questions, please contact Michelle Elbel at michelle_elbel@msn.com 801-867-0736 Or Rhonda Hill at jnrhill@hotmail.com

PTSA News:


Everyone can use a little more kindness, especially during a pandemic, when everything is changed and different. So let’s share kindness and celebrate our great Hillcrest High community. Each week from now until winter break, let’s pass some thanks around. #PassingThanksAround.

Week 2 (Nov. 19-25) Thank someone who supports you.

(Principal, Aide, Lunch Worker, Bus Driver, Neighbor, Friend, etc.)

It takes many supportive people to make Hillcrest the successful community that it is. Think of someone who supports you and send them an email or handwritten note to let them know they are appreciated and needed.

Thank you cards can be downloaded at www.utahpta.org or you can just send an email. This week let’s thank the people who support us.


Enter now to win! Next drawing is on January 8. Congratulations to our November winner, teacher Jessika Jeppson and our October winner, student Gavin Carr!!

Would you like to win a free Husky Blanket? Only two more drawings left. Join PTSA for a chance to win your free special edition Husky Blanket.

All you have to do to enter is to be a current member of Hillcrest PTSA. You can join online at hillcresthuskies.memberhub.store  or you can fill out an envelope in the Main Office or Attendance office. Membership is $7. All members will be entered in every drawing. The earlier you join, the more chances you will have to win. The next drawing is on January 8. If you aren’t sure if your membership is current, email hhshuskiesptsa@gmail.com and ask.

If you have any questions or suggestions for Hillcrest PTSA, please email us at our PTSA email hhshuskiesptsa@gmail.com or contact any of us personally.

2020-2021 Hillcrest Executive Board

President – Karen Conder

President-Elect – Rebecca Martin

Secretary – Tammie  Ynda

Treasurer – Geraldine Madariaga

Membership VP – Peiru Chen

Legislative VP – Becca Staker

Upcoming Events 

Please refer to the HHS School Calendar below to see what events are happening this week.


You can find the school calendar by going to HHS Website at:


Once there, go to “School Info” drop down menu and select “School Calendar”. It will then open our school calendar.

  • Our new school website also provides translation services. When you access the website, at the top right, you will see a translate button. Please click that button and select the language you would like to translate to. This will translate all website information into the language selected.


Husky Strong

#allpacksunited #weareHILLCREST

Connect with us here! 

Official Hillcrest High School 

Facebook: Official Hillcrest High School

Instagram: @hillcrest.huskies

Twitter: @HillcrestHighUT

YouTube: Official Hillcrest High School

Official Hillcrest SBO

Instagram: @hillcrestsbo

Twitter: @hillcrestsbo

YouTube: Hillcrest SBO

School Website


Articles & Photo Galleries 
