7350 S. 900 East, Midvale, UT 84047

HUSKY STRONG – 11/17/21

Husky Strong Newsletter

Hillcrest High School, Midvale Utah, November 17th , 2021

***In this Husky Strong Newsletter, you will find Principals Message: APP Class, Picture Retakes, Job Postings at Hillcrest High School, PTSA Information, Current Events

Principals Message: APP Class


Parents/Guardians and Students,


APP is a class period each day where students can work to improve their grades (9:07 to 9:44). Students can re-take tests, finish assignments and receive additional help with class content.  Each day but Tuesday students may select any class to attend for support.  They must request an APP pass through the My Home Work App 1 day in advance.  Daily students must enter their school ID number to show their attendance in APP.  APP is a class period that is graded with a Pass/Fail where students can receive a quarter credit.  If students do not actively engage or attend APP they will receive an F grade which will affect their GPA.  Parents if your student is not attending APP and receiving an F grade you may contact their counselor/assistant principal to ask for educational release.  Students that are approved for educational release must leave campus during APP.



Picture Retakes:


Lifetouch pictures will be available to students that missed picture days at Hillcrest and still want pictures. On Monday, November 22nd & 29th, students can go the Lifetouch studio at 462 West 9400 South, Sandy, Utah to have professional pictures taken. Please call the studio for an appointment on one of those days (801) 676-0314.


Now Hiring at HHS 

We are looking for fun-loving employees to join our Hillcrest High family! 

We have the following positions available: 

2 part-time Paraeducators ($12.16-$15.50) (1-17 Hour, 1-28 Hour)

2 part-time Attendance Office Secretary ($13.71)(1-17 Hour, 1-20 Hour)

1 part-time Nutrition Cashier ($12.16)

AP Exam Deadline!

Attention all students taking AP exams this year.  Deadlines are fast approaching to register for AP exams for this year.  To avoid late fee charges of $40 per exam, you must register on both Total Registration and College Board by 3:00 pm on Monday November 15.  After this date, students will be charged $40 to either add or drop an exam.  Remember this is a two-step process.  Please sign up as soon as possible at totalregistration.net/AP/450193 to pay for your exams and at https://myap.collegeboard.org to actually order the exams.  Information is available from your AP teacher or in the counseling office.  Please see Mrs. Williams in the counseling office if you have any questions. 



PTSA Information:

Spirit Night Wed Nov 17th Mod Pizza Ft Union 10:30am – 10:30pm  Just tell them you are with Hillcrest and it benefits our school!


Need a Holiday Gift? IN STOCK NOW!!

***Black Friday Special – $85 and you get a blanket, water bottle and 2 Husky decals! Limited Time only!!***

Husky Blankets, water bottles, and decals make the perfect gift for your favorite Husky fan. Same day pick up available.

$75 for super plush two-sided blanket

$15 for sport water bottle           $3 each for decals- see selection online

Order yours today-   https://hillcresthuskies.memberhub.com/store


Do you shop online? Shop AMAZON SMILE

When you shop smile.amazon.com, Amazon donates a portion of your purchase to your chosen charity- at no cost to you!! It’s Amazon’s way of giving back.

Just click this link to select Hillcrest High PTSA Utah as your charity, and then shop at smile.amazon.com




Husky Heroes

Husky Hero awards are given each month to two students in each grade who: Make a significant effort to help others, promote school unity, or overcome obstacles and improve themselves in some way.

Do you know a Husky who should be a recognized Hero? Anyone can submit a nomination– faculty, staff, parents or other students. Nominations should be submitted by the 23rd of each month. Paper nomination forms are available in the main office or you can submit online.

Online submissions are at: https://forms.gle/uCwUp2A3za9WRfvg7


Join PTSA and enter to win a Husky Water bottle!

Next membership drawing will be December 10th. Join to have your name entered in the prize drawing! Become a member today for $7 and join with other parents who care about your child’s education. The more members we have the bigger voice we have.


Have questions or comments? Email hhs.huskies.ptsa@gmail.com


Here is a message from the PTSA President Rebecca Martin:
Dear Hillcrest Families,

It has been a busy school year so far! Hillcrest’s Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA) decorated for Sgt. Taylor Hoover’s memorial service, helped with vision screenings, started donation drives, organized the Reflections Art Contest, fed teachers for Parent/Teacher Conferences, and gifted holiday treats to teachers. We are selling blankets at school events, selecting eight students per month as Husky Heroes, and distributing classroom grants. We are starting our Student Service Club and planning activities to strengthen our Hillcrest community.


But we are doing all of this with minimal support from parents and students, because our membership numbers are way down this year! Hillcrest PTSA only has 144 parent members. 144, in a school of more than 2,000 students! We know that there are many caring parents who are able to join. You might be one of them, but you may not know how. It’s easy – JOIN PTSA!  


PTSA, the secondary arm of the national PTA, is more than a program.

  • It’s about making Hillcrest a better place
  • It’s about connecting parents and administrators.
  • It’s about connecting parents with parents. Some of my best friends are PTA parents!  
  • It’s about using your time, money, and voice to serve our children and our school.


You might be thinking, “I joined PTSA during online registration.” But you can no longer pay for PTSA membership with your school fees. So, at registration, you probably didn’t click on the separate link to go to another site to join PTA. That’s OK—you can still join now! 


Or you might be thinking, “I don’t have time to volunteer!” and that is OK, too! There are low-commitment opportunities to help if you choose to: making donations, helping at home, or staying informed about what is happening at school. Joining does not require you to volunteer.


But more members make our combined voice more powerful! When I talk to Hillcrest administrators, Canyons School District leaders, or state legislators, I represent YOU. I need your thoughts on making Hillcrest stronger and better. Here is a great recent example:

  • The vast majority of teachers wanted “all Zoom” parent-teacher conferences. At our PTSA meeting, Mr. Leavitt asked our opinion. We parents felt there is value in IN-PERSON conferences as well as Zoom options. We wanted to meet teachers in person, see the building and walk the halls (and get our steps in!). Mr. Leavitt listened to parents and scheduled one night of in-person conferences and one night of Zoom. 


PTSA is the voice of parents in our school. We’d love for you to be part of the conversation! If you aren’t sure you are a member, email hhs.huskies.ptsa@gmail.com! All members have received a PTSA email on Wed Oct 26th saying “Thank you for being a member.” If you did not get this, you are most likely NOT a member. So join now! We need YOU!!! I’d love your time, talents, and ideas. But if all you can give right now is your email so you can keep up on what’s happening, I WILL TAKE IT! Join PTSA today and add your voice! It’s only $7 per person.


If you have questions or input, please contact me. And join PTSA! Every child–one voice.



Rebecca Martin, Hillcrest PTSA President


PTSA Executive Board: Rebecca Martin, President; Geraldine Madariaga, Treasurer; Becca Staker, Secretary; Kayo Robinson, VP Membership; Stacey Kratz, VP Advocacy











Upcoming Events


https://hhs.canyonsdistrict.org/ Once there, go to “School Info” drop down menu and select “School Calendar”. It will then open our school calendar.

  • Our new school website also provides translation services. When you access the website, at the top right, you will see a translate button. Please click that button and select the language you would like to translate to. This will translate all website information into the language selected.






Official Hillcrest High School 

Facebook: Official Hillcrest High School 

Instagram: @hillcrest.huskies

Twitter: @HillcrestHighUT

YouTube: Official Hillcrest High School 


Official Hillcrest SBO

Instagram: @hillcrestsbo

Twitter: @hillcrestsbo

YouTube: Hillcrest SBO


School Website



Articles & Photo Galleries 



Hillcrest TV
