7350 S. 900 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Husky Strong – 10/7/2020

Husky Strong Newsletter

Hillcrest High School, Midvale Utah, October 7th, 2020

***In this Husky Strong Newsletter, you will find the Principals Message (Virtual Friday), Schedule Changes, Writing Rubric, AP Testing, “Say Boo to the Flu Clinic, PTSA News and Upcoming Events.***

Principals Message: 

Virtual Fridays

Hello Hillcrest Community!

Parents and students, the Canyons Board of Education until further notice has designated time on Fridays for students to receive support and remediation from teachers.  HHS teachers will be available from 9-11am every Friday except for designated “no school” days on the calendar.  Part time teachers will let students know their schedule as they may be working with students every Friday or every other Friday. Important: Buses will not run Fridays.  

Students are encouraged to use the electronic hall pass to secure times with their teacher.  Teachers will be meeting with groups of students on zoom/google meet , which may not need a confirmed appointment created by the electronic hall pass.  Students may engage with teachers from 9-11am through email, phone, canvas or zoom/google meet.  Parents should understand that IB, AP and CE classes will find it difficult to deliver all the needed curriculum for students to be successful on their exams.  Teachers may be inviting students to join extra study sessions on Fridays for added curriculum and or support. 


Principal Leavitt

Schedule Changes


Canyons School District Board of Education indicated that students would have the opportunity at the end of the first grading period for students to change from online to in-person instruction, and vice versa.  On Sunday, October 11, at 8:00 AM, you will receive an e-mail with a link to sign up for schedule changes.  We anticipate that we will not be able to fulfill all schedule change requests due to class size, and counselors will contact families on a first come, first serve basis.  Counselors will not consider teacher changes at this time. 

Writing Rubric

Our English Department has collaborated and worked hard on creating their English Writing Rubric that will apply to all grades of English. The rubric is based on Utah’s Core Standards for informative and argumentative writing. At Hillcrest, our intent is for students to practice and improve their writing skills each year across a variety of subjects, with the end goal of being college and career ready.

We have invited all of our teachers here at Hillcrest High School, who do any writing with their students, to also use this rubric to help facilitate cross-curricular writing that is more unified. The idea is that students will see, use and become more familiar with their writing across all grades and subjects/content.

We have posted our Hillcrest Writing Rubric on our website. We invite, not only our students, but also our parents, to review the writing rubric together and become familiar with it. This will be a great tool for students to use to guide their writing here at Hillcrest High.

You can currently find the link at:


AP Testing

It is time, once again, to begin preparations for the Advanced     (AP) exams given in May. We are pleased that your student has chosen to participate in the AP Program, which provides high school students with the opportunity to study and learn at the college level. In order to take advantage of the full experience of these courses, your student is highly encouraged to take the AP exam in May. Remember, this is a two-step process and your exams will not be ordered without completing both steps.

The following is information you will need to register and sign up for your exam:

  • The regularly scheduled exam dates are from May 3 through May 14, 2021. As the College Board has strict rules on circumstances that qualify students to be eligible for make-up exams, you are highly encouraged to not make any plans during this time that would keep you from attending school on the day of your exam. A copy of the testing schedule has been included with this letter for your planning convenience.
  • FIRST STEP: All Students must go online to College Board and set up an account and order their exam at collegeboard.org. Your Student’s AP teacher will explain how to sign up for their exam by using join codes specific to their AP Course and Teacher. If your student is an IB student and wishes to take an exam they are not in a class for, they must see Mrs. Huff in the counseling office prior to October 14, 2020 in order to access a join code to sign up for their exam.
  • SECOND STEP: October 30 is the deadline to sign up and pay for your exam on Total Registration at net/450193. The cost of each exam is $99. You will need a credit or debit card to complete the payment process, or you can choose a mail-in option. After October 30, you will need to see Mrs. Huff in the counseling office in order to make a payment as Total Registration will not be available.
  • Remember, exams WILL NOT be ordered for your student if the two-step registration process is not completed by November 13, 2020.
  • After the November 13, 2020 College Board registration deadline, a late fee of $40 will be assessed PER EXAM. During the late window from November 14, 2020 through March 12, 2021 you will need to see Mrs. Huff in the Counseling Center in order to either order, pay for or cancel your exam.
  • The last day to cancel a test is March 12, 2021. You will receive a $99 refund for cancelling the AP exam. Late fees are non-refundable.
  • If your student qualifies for free or reduced lunch, you may qualify for a lower test fee. Please check the appropriate box during the online registration process.

Please see the attached schedule for all AP exams. If you have further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Nicole Huff in the Counseling Center at 801-826-6119 or by email at Nicole.huff@canyonsdistrict.org.

“Say Boo to the Flu” Clinic

“Say Boo to the Flu” Clinic will be at Hillcrest High School on October 7th, from 3:30pm-7:00pm in A105. This event is open to all families, including staff and faculty at the school. If you have insurance, your insurance will be billed. Please bring your insurance card with you. If you do not have insurance- the shot will at NO COST. CNS will donate $2 per eligible immunization back to Hillcrest! Please wear a mask and keep a distance of at least six feet.


PTSA Meeting this week

The October Hillcrest PTSA meeting will be this Thursday, October 8th at 1:00 p.m. 

This will be a ZOOM meeting. Please see the meeting login information below. We hope you will join us as we discuss happenings at Hillcrest, how PTSA can help during this unusual year, and make plans for the coming year.

Join Zoom Meeting at 1:00 p.m. Thurs, Oct. 8th

Karen Conder is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. 

Topic: Hillcrest PTSA Meeting

Time: Oct 8, 2020 01:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 851 1837 1683       Passcode: 986604

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kydDZJbcB

How to join Hillcrest PTSA

If you would like to join Hillcrest PTSA and haven’t yet joined for the 2020-2021 school year, you can do so online at hillcresthuskies.memberhub.store

There are also membership envelopes in the Attendance Office and Main Office. You can fill out an envelope and leave it in the Main Office to join. Membership is $7 per person. If you aren’t sure if your membership is current, email hhshuskiesptsa@gmail.com and ask.

Anyone can join – parents, students, teachers, grandparents, community members, etc. Everyone is welcome.

NEW Husky Blankets

We have new Husky blankets this year in two different styles, both with the new Hillcrest logo. Both styles are made with feather-soft Nubay plush and are 60” x 80”. The Lite blanket is a single layer with hemmed edges for $55.  The D-Luxe blanket is a 2-layer reversible blanket with the Husky logo on the front and a repeating pattern on the back and edged with a black binding for $65. Blankets can be purchased online at hillcresthuskies.memberhub.store 

Husky Blanket Drawing

Would you like to win a free Limited Edition Husky Blanket (different than both the old blankets and the new blankets)?  To be eligible, all you have to do is be a current member of Hillcrest PTSA for the 2020-2021 school year. All current member names will be entered into every drawing. The earlier you join, the more chances you will get.  Membership cost is $7. 

Each month from October to January Hillcrest PTSA will choose one lucky person to receive a Husky Blanket. The first drawing will be on October 15. 

You could win a 60” x 80” soft 2-layer, reversible blanket with a husky on the front and a repeating pattern on the back.

Husky Heroes

HHS PTSA recognizes eight students each month with Husky Hero awards. These are students who exemplify the ability to help those around them, to promote school unity, to overcome obstacles, and/or improve themselves in some way. Husky Heroes can be nominated by faculty, staff, parents or other students. Everyone chosen for this award gets swag, including a parking pass, prizes, a blanket, and more! Nominations should be submitted by the 23rd of each month. 

Nominations can be submitted online at https://forms.gle/uCwUp2A3za9WRfvg7

Paper nomination forms can also be found in the Main Office and in the Attendance Office.

If you have any questions or suggestions for Hillcrest PTSA, please email us at our PTSA email 

hhshuskiesptsa@gmail.com or contact any of us personally.

2020-2021 Hillcrest Executive Board

President – Karen Conder

President-Elect – Rebecca Martin

Secretary – Tammie  Ynda

Treasurer – Geraldine Madariaga

Membership VP – Peiru Chen

Legislative VP – Becca Staker

Upcoming Events 

Please refer to the HHS School Calendar below to see what events are happening this week.


You can find the school calendar by going to HHS Website at:


Once there, go to “School Info” drop down menu and select “School Calendar”. It will then open our school calendar.

  • Our new school website also provides translation services. When you access the website, at the top right, you will see a translate button. Please click that button and select the language you would like to translate to. This will translate all website information into the language selected.


Husky Strong

#allpacksunited #weareHILLCREST

Connect with us here! 

Official Hillcrest High School 

Facebook: Official Hillcrest High School 

Instagram: @hillcrest.huskies

Twitter: @HillcrestHighUT

YouTube: Official Hillcrest High School 

Official Hillcrest SBO

 Instagram: @hillcrestsbo

Twitter: @hillcrestsbo

YouTube: Hillcrest SBO

School Website


Articles & Photo Galleries 
