7350 S. 900 East, Midvale, UT 84047

Husky Strong – 10/28/2020

Husky Strong Newsletter

Hillcrest High School, Midvale Utah, October 28th, 2020

***In this Husky Strong Newsletter, you will find Important AP Exam Information, After School Credit Recovery, Picture Day Makeup, PTSA Art Reflection Program, PTSA News, Sterling Scholar Applications and Upcoming Events.

Principal’s Message: 

Important: AP Exam Information

All AP Exams must be ordered and paid for by October 30, 2020.  This is a two-step process.  First, students/parents must go onto AP College Board and register for the exam at myap.collegeboard.org. Students will need to get their join code from their teacher if they are currently enrolled in an AP class.  If they are not enrolled in an AP class, but want to take the exam, they must see either Sherilyn Williams or Nicole Huff in the Counseling Center prior to October 30, 2020.  The next step is to go onto Total Registration and PAY FOR THE EXAM.  The website for Total Registration is totalregistration.net/450193.  A late fee of $40 will be assessed starting November 14, 2020. Contact sherilyn.williams@canyonsdistrict.org with any questions or concerns or to request information about fee waivers.

After School Credit Recovery:

After School Credit Recovery will start next Monday, November 2nd.  Credit recovery will run Monday – Thursday from Nov. 2 – Nov. 19 from 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM.  Contact your counselor ASAP to get your student registered!

Picture Day Makeup:

Makeup picture day is on Wednesday, November 4th, 2020 during student’s ELA classes. Students who did not get pictures taken already or need to retake their pictures may go to AT200 during the assigned ELA class time, have pictures taken and leave with their student IDs. Masks must be worn up to the point of pictures being taken. All students should wear dress code appropriate clothing. Order sheets for additional prints are available when picture proofs are received.

Online students wanting pictures may go to AT200 on November 4th, 2020 at 2:30 to 3:00 PM.

PTSA Reflection’s Arts Program

Looking for all that amazing talent here at Husky Town. It is that time of year to reflect on this year’s theme, “I MATTER BECAUSE…..” The PTSA Reflection’s Arts Program locally and nationally recognizes students for their talent in the arts.

  1. Create an original work of art based on this year’s theme in any or all of the following categories: 

Dance,  Music,  Film,  Visual Arts,  Literature,  Photography

  1. Submit and upload entry on-line at utahpta.org/reflections-online
  2. Be recognized for your talent!!

All students in the Reflection’s Program will be honored with prizes from the Hillcrest PTSA and your entry could move on to win awards at the Region, State and National competitions!

For the first 15 students with any entries ready to be submitted by Tuesday, October 27th will receive one free Zao meal.

All on-line entries are due by Friday, November 20th 

If you have questions, please contact Michelle Elbel at michelle_elbel@msn.com 801-867-0736 Or Rhonda Hill at jnrhill@hotmail.com


Husky Blanket Winner

Congratulations to student Gavin Carr!! Gavin’s name was drawn this week in our first PTSA blanket drawing. He is the winner of a free Husky Blanket!! If you’d like to be entered in future drawings, just join Hillcrest PTSA.

You can join online at hillcresthuskies.memberhub.store  or you can fill out an envelope in the Main Office or Attendance Office. Membership is $7. All members will be entered in the drawing each month. Future drawings will be held on Nov. 15, Dec. 15 and Jan. 15. Each winner will receive a free Limited Edition Husky Blanket.

The earlier you join, the more chances you will have to win. If you aren’t sure if your membership is current, email hhshuskiesptsa@gmail.com and ask. Anyone can join – parents, students, teachers, grandparents, community members, etc. Everyone is welcome.

Be an Informed Voter

Election Day is November 3. Ballots were mailed out last week. To learn what will be on your ballot, and find information about candidates and issues, go to vote.utah.gov.

Select “Learn about Candidates and Issues” and type in your address. Be sure to get educated before you fill out that ballot.

Sterling Scholar Applications:

Sterling Scholar applications are now available.  Students may pick up an application from Mrs. C-J, room D226.  For students who are not able to pick up an application in person, please email Mrs. C-J at:  Stephanie.CarltonJohnson@canyonsdistrict.org.  The applications need to be returned to Mrs. C-J by Nov. 5th at 3:00 p.m.  Late applications will not be accepted.

Upcoming Events 

Please refer to the HHS School Calendar below to see what events are happening this week.


You can find the school calendar by going to HHS Website at:


Once there, go to “School Info” drop down menu and select “School Calendar”. It will then open our school calendar.

  • Our new school website also provides translation services. When you access the website, at the top right, you will see a translate button. Please click that button and select the language you would like to translate to. This will translate all website information into the language selected.


Husky Strong

#allpacksunited #weareHILLCREST

Connect with us here! 

Official Hillcrest High School 

Facebook: Official Hillcrest High School

Instagram: @hillcrest.huskies

Twitter: @HillcrestHighUT

YouTube: Official Hillcrest High School

Official Hillcrest SBO

Instagram: @hillcrestsbo

Twitter: @hillcrestsbo

YouTube: Hillcrest SBO

School Website


Articles & Photo Galleries 
