Husky Strong Newsletter

Hillcrest High School, Midvale Utah, January 27th, 2021
***In this Husky Strong Newsletter, you will find Principals Message: Important Registration Information, APP Pass Parent Observer, Buy A Yearbook, CTEC Open House, February CTE Month Calendar, PTSA News and Upcoming Events.
Principal’s Message:
Important Registration Information
HHS Registration/Class choices for the 2021-22 school year
On February 2nd – 18th students will need to choose one of two instructional experiences,
In Person Learning or Online Learning for the 2021-22 school year. To help you make this decision we have included a list of classes that will be offered for students to take online next year at the end of this message. On February 2ndinstructions will be sent on how to sign up for in-person or online learning. Please read through the following information. If your questions are not answered here please call your counselor.
Which learning experience should I choose?
There is no substitute for in person instruction. For families who feel at risk due to COVID it is understood you will need to make a choice that best fits your circumstances. As families consider this choice you should understand that for a school to remain open, we must stay below 1% of our population who have tested positive for COVID. This is about 20 students. Our school record of low transmission rates speaks for itself.
Am I guaranteed the classes I sign up for?
No, for online classes to carry, a certain number of students will need to choose the online option. For example, if we have a small number of students who want an online honors English class and the number is too small for us to offer the class students will need to enroll in a non-honors class. CVHS classes may also work as options if HHS can’t offer the class.
Can I attend some classes in person and some online?
No, we will have no hybrid option unless the student uses the release time concept and takes a CVHS or other online class from another school.
Are all classes available online?
No, however we offer enough in each grade level that students can create a full schedule of online classes. A list of class offerings is included at the end of this message.
What are expectations for online class?
Online classes will take daily attendance and follow all aspects of our school-wide disclosure.
What should I do if I am a IB or Special Education student?
You will have options for online course selections as an IB or Special Education students. If you are an IB student, please look for additional information from Mr. Olsen. For Special Education students, your case manager will reach out to you to schedule your classes.
What will happen when and if COVID requires school to adjust to remote learning?
If HHS has 1% of their population or more who are active carriers of COVID, HHS will move to remote learning where all classes are online.
What will happen if COVID restriction are lifted from the state?
All online classes will be turned into in person classes and students will be expected to come to school.
What will happen if I need to change my learning experience during the year?
If students want to change from in person to online or online to in person, they will be placed on a waiting list. When spots open up the family will be contacted to see if they want to make the change.
Can I take online classes that are not offered by HHS?
Yes, many options exist for online classes. However, keep in mind if HHS shifts to all in person classes due to no COVID restrictions students will need to follow that schedule.
HHS Online Class Options 2021-2022
Grade 9
English Language Arts
English Language Arts 9
English Language Arts 9H
Secondary Math I
Secondary Math IH
Secondary Math IIH
Biology H
Chemistry H
AP Environmental
Social Studies
Geography for Life
AP Human Geography
Digital Studies
Business Office Specialist
Exploring Computer Science
Healthy Lifestyles
Participation Skills and Techniques
Grade 10
English Language Arts
English Language Arts 10
English Language Arts 10H
Secondary Math II
Secondary Math IIH
Secondary Math IIIH
Biology H
AP Biology
Chemistry H
AP Chemistry
Physics H
AP Physics 1
AP Environmental
Social Studies
World History
World History H
AP European History
AP Gov and Politics (pre-IB)
Digital Studies
(Grade 10 Cont’d)
Business Office Specialist
Exploring Computer Science
Healthy Lifestyles
Personal Health and Wellness
Fitness for Life
Grade 11
English Language Arts
Language Arts 11
Language Arts 11H
AP English Language and Composition
Financial Literacy
Financial Literacy
Secondary Math III
Secondary Math IIIH
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
Environmental Science
AP Environmental Science
Biology H
AP Biology
Chemistry H
AP Chemistry
Physics H
AP Physics 1
Social Studies
U.S. History
AP U.S. History
Grade 12
English Language Arts
Language Arts 12
AP English Literature and Composition
AP English Language and Composition
Creative Writing 1
Creative Writing 2
Financial Literacy
Financial Literacy
Secondary Math III
College Prep Math
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
Environmental Science
AP Environmental Science
Biology H
AP Biology
Chemistry H
AP Chemistry
Physics H
AP Physics 1
Social Studies
AP Gov’t and Citizenship
AP Gov’t and Politics: American
World History
World History H
AP European History
World Language
Spanish 1 *Not for Heritage Speakers
Spanish 2 *Spanish 1
Spanish 3H *Spanish 2 or Heritage Speaker
AP Spanish Language *Spanish 3H
Guitar 1 (Beginning)
Drawing 1
Drawing 2 *Drawing 1
Painting 1 *Drawing 1
Painting 2 *Painting 1
Lettering and Calligraphy
Photo 1
Photo 2 *Photo 1
Child Development
Health Science Intro
Drivers Education
APP Pass Parent Observer:
Please see the video below to learn how parents can observers on their students APP pass. This will help you know what your student is doing during the day and where they are at.
Buy a Yearbook!
Buy a Yearbook $55
Deadline:January 31st.
-Pay in the main office or on Skyward.
-Check the list outside the main office to see if you have already purchased a book.
Don’t be disappointed by missing out on a yearbook this year!
CTEC Open House:
For all those that are interested in knowing what CTEC (Canyons Technical Education Center) can offer your student. There will be a virtual open house on January 27th (today) from 5PM to 8PM. Please follow this link to register and get the zoom link. I will be available to answer any questions you might have.
E:\Technical Centers\2020-21\CTEC Open House, TV.png
Kevin Wood
HHS CTE Coordinator.
February CTE Month Calendar:
PTSA News:
PTSA Husky Strong Newsletter – Jan. 27th, 2021
Join PTSA by Feb. 5th for a chance to win your free Husky Blanket.
All current PTSA members will be entered in each drawing. You can join online at or fill out an envelope in the Main Office or Attendance office. Membership is $7. If you aren’t sure if your membership is current, email and ask.
Congratulations to teacher Jessika Jeppson, student Gavin Carr, and parent Kellie Tew who have won blankets in our previous drawings. Last drawing will be on Feb. 5th. Enter now to win!
PTA Awards – Looking for nominations
Is there a teacher, admin, staff member, or volunteer you would like to recognize? Nominate them for a PTSA award. Nominations can be entered in the following categories: Outstanding Educator, Outstanding School Administrator, Outstanding Support Staff, Outstanding Volunteer. Nominees will be recognized at the Council PTA level and can move up to Region and State PTA. Nominations are due Feb. 8th. You can submit a nomination online through the Utah PTA website:
If you have questions or need assistance, contact Karen Conder at
Manuary January
This month Hillcrest PTSA is focusing on increasing our male membership. We especially invite all males to join PTSA and help support our students. Please invite fathers, uncles, grandpas, male students, male teachers, stepfathers, brothers, etc. to join Hillcrest PTSA. You can join online at or fill out an envelope in the Main Office or Attendance office. Membership is $7. If you aren’t sure if your membership is current, email and ask. Help us celebrate Manuary January!
If you have any questions or suggestions for Hillcrest PTSA, please email us at our PTSA email or contact any of us personally.
2020-2021 Hillcrest Executive Board
President – Karen Conder
President-Elect – Rebecca Martin
Secretary – Tammie Ynda
Treasurer – Geraldine Madariaga
Membership VP – Peiru Chen
Legislative VP – Becca Staker
Upcoming Events:
Please refer to the HHS School Calendar below to see what events are happening this week.
You can find the school calendar by going to HHS Website at:
Once there, go to “School Info” drop down menu and select “School Calendar”. It will then open our school calendar.
- Our new school website also provides translation services. When you access the website, at the top right, you will see a translate button. Please click that button and select the language you would like to translate to. This will translate all website information into the language selected.
Husky Strong
#allpacksunited #weareHILLCREST
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Instagram: @hillcrest.huskies
Twitter: @HillcrestHighUT
YouTube: Official Hillcrest High School
Official Hillcrest SBO
Instagram: @hillcrestsbo
Twitter: @hillcrestsbo
YouTube: Hillcrest SBO
School Website