7350 S. 900 East, Midvale, UT 84047

HUSKY STRONG 08/02/2023


Hillcrest High School, Midvale, Utah

Welcome Back, Huskies! We are excited to start a new school year with you! 

*In this Husky Strong, you will find information about: Registration, 9th Grade Orientation, School Pictures, Back to School Night, and Community Events* 

 Below you will find HHS back-to-school registration procedures. Please scroll down to view. 

Keep up with all that is happening at Hillcrest High School. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram (@hillcrest.huskies) and our SBO Instagram (@hillcrestsbo)

Beginning of Year Events



Green and White Football Game

August 4 (Presentation @ 5:30 pm, Kickoff @ 6 pm) 

School Registration

Starts August 7th at 8:30 am

Back to School Night

August 17 (4 pm-8 pm) in the Cafeteria

School Pictures (small gym)

August 15 – 16: 10th-12th grades (8 am-12 pm)

August 17: All grades (4 pm-8 pm) during Back to School Night

August 18: All grades (8 am-12 pm)

Essential Schedule Changes


August 17: ALL GRADES

August 18: ALL GRADES

(1 pm-3 pm: All Sessions)

9th Grade Orientation

August 18 (7:45 am-12 pm)

First Day of School

August 21 (7:45 am)

Welcome Back Assembly

August 24 (8 am-9 am) in Gym

We are Hillcrest

Our Huskies have been having a great summer! Check out photos from our athletic camps.

Back to School Registration Procedure

Registration for the 2023-2024 school year starts Monday, Aug. 7, at 8:30 a.m.

We are excited to start a new school year with you! Below you will find HHS registration procedures.  We look forward to seeing you soon!


If you do not need to complete the steps below, then there is no need to come to HHS once you have completed online registration. Complete the online forms, and your student is all set.

For parking permits, click HERE. Open to all grades. Complete the form, gather the required documents, and turn it all in at the main office.

For nutrition/lunch waiver, click HERE-please print the form, complete it, gather any required documents, and return it to the school. It can also be completed online during your registration.For class fee waiver, click HERE (English and Spanish). Please print the form, complete it, gather any required documents, and turn it in at HHS’s main office.

Lockers are not mandatory. If students want a locker, pay $5 in the Main Office, then go to the Attendance Office to obtain a locker number and combo. This can be done at any time during office hours.

Registration assistance is available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese on August 7 – 18, 8:00 am. – 2:00 pm.

Registration Procedures:

STEP 1Complete Online Registration

Parents of returning or new students must complete the online application by clicking one of the following links:


If you do not have access to the online registration, please stop by Hillcrest High School starting August 8th between 8:30 am-2 pm. We will have computers available for online registration

If you need to have your Family Access password reset, please use the Forgot Your Login/Password option on the login screen or call the school the attendance office at 801-826-6010.


Please bring all items listed below to successfully register your child.

    1. Parent/Guardian Photo ID (for example: work ID, passport, driver’s license)
    2. Child’s certified birth certificate
    3. Custody Orders/Court Papers/Guardianship- if the child does not live with natural parents
    4. Proof of residency
      • Lease or Current Mortgage statement (coupon book; closing papers if just purchased)
      • Utility bill (electric, water, or cable bill – for service within the last 30 days OR connect order if just moved in)
      • Property tax statement or income tax statement (current year)
      • Automobile registration or insurance policy (current year/month)
      • Mail from any government agency (within 30 days)
    5. Immunization records
    6. Withdrawal form and/or last report card, if transferring from another school system

STEP 2: Make an Appointment (new students or class schedule changes)

  • New students needing a class schedule must make an appointment with their school counselor after they have completed the online registration. You may call the counseling office for an appointment (801-826-6020). 

Returning Students: ESSENTIAL SCHEDULE CHANGES ONLY will be seen by counselors (Below are explanations of what would be considered an essential change) 

  • A class that is needed for graduation is not on your schedule 
  • You took a class over the summer, passed it, and now need it removed from your schedule 
  • IB classes are missing that are needed to fulfill IB Diploma requirements 
    •           1 pm-3 pm: All Sessions

STEP 3: School Pictures

We encourage all students to get their pictures taken before the beginning of the school year. Pictures will be taken on August 15th  through 16th from 8 am-12 pm. Students may also get their picture taken during Back-to-School Night on August 17th from 4-8 pm. All students will receive their school identification card after their picture is taken. School identification cards will be needed to access school lunches, school dances, and other school-sponsored activities.

9th Grade Orientation

Hello, Class of 2027!

We are excited that you will be attending Hillcrest High School and look forward to meeting you during Freshman Orientation on August 18th! This day is all about getting to know the school, becoming comfortable with your class schedule, and meeting your teachers, counselors, and administration. Please come prepared to have your school pictures taken.

The activities will begin at 7:45 am and finish at 12 pm. Refer to the schedule below for details. Lunch will be provided.

August 18th: Freshman Orientation Schedule

7:45– 8:30 am

Freshmen arrive at HHS and head to the COMMONS to pick up their schedule and get their school pictures taken.

8:25 am

Teachers, admin & counselors head to the BIG GYM to welcome the Freshmen

8:30– 8:30 am

Freshmen head to the BIG GYM to be welcomed by teachers, admin & counselors

8:30– 9:00 am

Welcome by Principal Leavitt, SBOs, and Counselors

9:15-9:45 am

Period 1: Tour of the Building

9:51-9:56 am


10:02-10:07 am

Period 2

10:13-10:18 am

Period 3

10:24-10:29 am

Period 4

10:35-10:40 am

Period 5

10:46-10:51 am

Period 6

10:57-11:02 am

Period 7

11:08-11:13 am

Period 8

11:13–12:00 pm

Pick up a T-shirt and have lunch by the football field

12:00 pm

Busses Depart 

Back to School Night

Join us for a fun night on August 17th from 4 pm-8 pm in the Hillcrest Cafeteria for our second annual Back to School Night! Free food will be available. Families and students will be able to register for school, tour the school, play games, and win prizes. Students will be able to take school pictures in the small gym and learn about school clubs and athletics in the cafeteria. All ages of students can receive free haircuts and school supplies. Still need your school immunizations? All childhood school immunizations will be available free from our nurses. 

Parent Square

Hillcrest is on Parent Square! ParentSquare is an App for Parents and Guardians to stay connected with Hillcrest. We post important school announcements and communications about your student! Make sure to create your login with the same information as Skyward.

We are a Community School!

What is a Community School?

A community school is a school that strives to unite school staff, community members, families, and students to work together to help students and families succeed! We work together to provide resources and events for our families. Some examples of the things we do at Hillcrest include providing food, clothing, showers, and holiday support through our Hillcrest Free Market. We connect families and students to local resources. We also host annual community resource events such as Back to School Night, our Wellness Fair, and our Cultural Night. 

The Free Market is on Instagram! Follow our Hillcrest Free Market Instagram to stay updated on community events and resources over the year. (@hillcrestfreemarket) 

Interested in joining our Parent Square group? Please email elena.foley@canyonsdistrict.org or text 385-418-9490 your student’s name to be added. We send updates about our food distribution, events, and resources.

Events and Resources:

Each week we will feature community events and local resources in Midvale or surrounding areas. Please note these events and resources are NOT sponsored by Hillcrest High School. Please click HERE for more info.

PTSA Information

Welcome to Hillcrest!

Hillcrest Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA) is here to serve the families of our school.  We provide opportunities for our students like scholarships, service club, monthly Husky Heroes Awards, and Reflections Art Contest. HHS PTSA supports our teachers through classroom grants, teacher appreciation treats, and meals for Parent-Teacher Conferences. PTSA provides a way for the administration and parents to TALK about what is going on at Hillcrest and offer thoughts and suggestions. GET INVOLVED TODAY!!!! 

HHS PTSA is looking for willing parents/guardians to fill the following positions:

President-Elect– shadow the current president, Rebecca Martin, and learn how HHS PTSA operates, then serve next year as the president. This is a great year to be trained!! This is Rebecca’s 3rd and final year as HHS PTSA president and she is excited to pass on her knowledge and expertise to the next willing parent.

Reflections Chair– advertise for the art contest, manage the Reflections art contest entries (about 25 entries), and award prizes, advance the winners to Council level.

Fundraiser Chair– oversees the selling of the blankets at school functions, like football games.

Grad Night Chair– parent of a SENIOR- plan the all-night party for our graduating seniors at Dimple Dell Rec Center. Organize committees and oversee the event. Super fun!!

If you are interested in these or other positions or just want to find out more about what the PTSA does in high school, email Rebecca Martin at  hhs.huskies.ptsa@gmail.com

JOIN PTSA- don’t have time to volunteer but still want to support the school? JOIN PTSA!

JOIN Hillcrest High PTSA and support the parents, teachers, and students!  Only $7 


Or Drop off cash/check to the Main Office in an envelope with your name and contact info and “PTSA”

We love serving you and our school, but we need more parents! Join and add your voice to parents who care about our school and your child’s education. You will periodically receive emails from PTSA, but there is NO COMMITMENT to volunteer. We just want to keep you informed.

Husky Blankets for sale!  $75 for a super plush blanket. Sports water bottles for $10 and decals for $3. Show your Husky Pride! Want to avoid cc fees? You can purchase in the Main Office using cash/check.


HHS School Flyers and Events

Hillcrest 1 Week Calendar of Events: 

August 2 

  • Dance Company Retreat (Off-Campus)
  • Drill Practice in Dance Studio (7 am-11 am)
  • Fall Football Camp (8 am-10:30 am)
  • HHS Summer Band/Color Guard in Dance Studio/Band Room/Field (8 am-3 pm)
  • SL Choral HS Madrigal Retreat (8 am-5 pm)
  • Cheer Practice in Field House (9 am-12 pm)
  • Football Practice at Football Field (3 pm-5:30 pm)
  • Girls’ Soccer Practice at Soccer Field (3 pm-5:30 pm)
  • Volleyball Practice in Main and Aux Gym (3 pm-5:30 pm)
  • Junior High Volleyball League Tryouts in Main Gym (6 pm-8 pm)

August 3 

  • Drill Practice in Dance Studio (7 am-11 am)
  • Fall Football Camp (8 am-10:30 am)
  • HHS Summer Band/Color Guard in Dance Studio/Band Room/Field (8 am-3 pm)
  • SL Choral HS Madrigal Retreat (8 am-5 pm)
  • Girls Soccer: HHS @ Spanish Fork (3 pm-4 pm)
  • Volleyball Practice in Main and Aux Gym (3 pm-5:30 pm)
  • Cheer Practice in Field House (3:30 pm-5:30 pm)
  • Junior High Volleyball League Tryouts in Main Gym (6 pm-8 pm)
  • Football Parent Meeting (6:30 pm-7:30 pm)

August 4 

  • Drill Practice in Dance Studio (7 am-11 am)
  • HHS Summer Band/Color Guard in Dance Studio/Band Room/Field (8 am-3 pm)
  • District PEAKS Training in Hosting Room/Classrooms 2nd Floor (12 pm-3 pm)
  • Faculty Meeting (12:40 pm-1:40 pm)
  • Class of 73′ Reunion in Commons and Presentation Room (3 pm-10 pm)
  • Girls’ Soccer Practice on Soccer Field (3 pm-5:30 pm)
  • Volleyball Practice in Main and Aux Gym (3 pm-5:30 pm)
  • Girls Soccer: Freshman, Maple Mountain @ HHS (4 pm-5 pm)
  • Football Green and White Game (6 pm-8 pm)

August 5 

  • Hillcrest at Harvest Days Parade

August 7 

  • Drill Practice in Aux Gym (7 am-11 am)
  • District PEAKS training in Hosting Room/2nd Floor Classrooms (8 am-5 pm)
  • HHS Summer Band (8 am-3 pm)
  • Cheer Practice in Field House (9 am-12 pm)
  • Calendar Meeting (1:30 pm-2 pm)
  • Football Practice (3 pm-5:30 pm)
  • Girls’ Soccer Practice at Soccer Field (3 pm-5:30 pm)
  • Volleyball Practice in Main and Aux Gym (3 pm-5:30 pm)
  • Hillcrest Community Dance Camp (6 pm-8:30 pm)

August 8 

  • Drill Practice in Aux Gym (7 am-11 am)
  • District PEAKS Training in Hosting Room/2nd Floor Classrooms (8 am-5 pm)
  • HHS Summer Band (8 am-3 pm)
  • New Student Registration (8 am-12 pm)
  • Cheer Practice in Field House (9 am-12 pm)
  • Systems Meeting in ACR (1 pm-2 pm)
  • Football Practice at Football Field (3 pm-5:30 pm)
  • Volleyball Practice in Main and Aux Gym (3 pm-5:30 pm)
  • Girls Soccer: Ben Lomond @ HHS (3:30 pm-4:30 pm)
  • Girls Tennis: East @ HHS (3:30 pm-4:30 pm)
  • XC Parent Meeting in Presentation Room (6 pm-7 pm)

August 9 

  • Drill Practice in Aux Gym (7 am-11 am)
  • District PEAKS Training in Hosting Room/2nd-floor classrooms (8 am-5 pm)
  • HHS Summer Band (8 am-3 pm)
  • New Student Registration (8 am-12 pm)
  • Cheer Practice in Field House (9 am-12 pm)
  • Football Practice on Football Field (3 pm-5:30 pm)
  • Girls’ Soccer Practice on Soccer Field (3 pm-5:30 pm)
  • Volleyball Practice in Main and Aux Gym (3 pm-5:30 pm)